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Please read this before you proceed to avoid confusion..
So this was the chapter I wrote for chapter 28. The draft one. I decided not to post this bc it'll be uhm.. ruin the story I guess...? hahahaha
And the reason why I posted this bc I'm having writer's block. I HATE IT :( so yeeee.. enjooyyyy
Chapter 28 was the chapter where Yoongi visited Y/N in the coffeeshop.

-end of the note-


Y/N know that voice. she lifted her head and saw him. she quickly stood up  because of her nervousness.

what is he doing here?

He was looking at you and Yoongi, confused. Yoongi remained to his seat and looked at him with his I-don't-give-a-damn look.

"neo... nugu-ya?" (you.. who are you?") he talked at Yoongi.

"na? Min Yoongi. how about you? who are you?" Yoongi said sarcastically. he gritted his teeth and grabbed his collar.

"stop it, Jeon Jungkook!" Y/N stopped Jungkook. they were getting attention from the customers and Y/N is afraid of attention like this.

"na? namjachingu- ya. wae neowaiss-eo?" (me? her boyfriend. why were you with her?") he hissed at Yoongi still gripping his collar.

Yoongi gripped his arm and took it away.

"I'm dating her. got a problem with that, new kid?" Jungkook punched him and that made Y/N shocked.

"Yoongi!" Y/N shrieked.

the customers we're shocked too and others left the cafe immediately. The co-workers of Y/N helped to stop them.

Yoongi didn't fought back. He wiped the blood to his mouth using his sleeves. Jungkook was about to punch him again when Y/N blocked him.

"Stop!!" Y/N shouted at them and cried. Jungkook dropped his fist and looked away.

Y/N faced Yoongi and helped him up. "are you okay?" she asked.

he nodded. "don't worry about me..."

"I'm sorry, Yoongi.. Please leave first, I'll meet you later. please.."

Yoongi looked at her and then to Jungkook. He looked at her again.

"call me right away when he hurts you..." he said gently.

she nodded.. "I will.. now go..."

He patted her head then he looked at Jungkook again.

"Don't lay a finger on her, new kid. I know what you did to her."

Then Yoongi left the cafe.

"what happened here?" her manager asked. he looked at Jungkook with a questionig face. "Jungkookie?"

"hyung... I-" Y/N interrupted him.

"We're going now, manager-nim."

he nodded. "take care you, two."

Y/N bowed to her manager and then grabbed Jungkook outside. The manager looks so confused but he shrugged it anyway and went back to his office. The co-workers of Y/N sighed of disbelief because of their Manager is too clueless of what happened earlier.

Y/N led Jungkook to backdoor to talk. They could hear cars honking and people walking from the frontdoor.

"Do you have to make a scene there?!"

"who was that guy to you, Y/N?!"

"You don't need to know! we're nothing now!"

"I need to know!"

"why do you even care?!"

"I care because I love you, Y/N! can't you understand?!"

Y/N went silent and breathed. "Jungkook... You and I are done, you can't bring the broken pieces back!"

Jungkook tried to touch her but she flicked his hand away and looked straight into his brown irises.

"Stop... Stop this.." she said...

"is he the reason?"

Y/N couldn't think straight.. She can't use Yoongi but she admit she has feelings for Yoongi.

"yes. he is."


"because he's not a jerk like you. He saved me from killing myself. He gave me life that once you killed."

he fell silent, he couldn't say anything. It was his fault. It was his mistake to let her go...

"I'm sorry for everything, Y/N." was all he could say.

I SPRINKLED SOME ANGST but ye this is a fluff fanfic so I wont ruin it :) xD I'll be updating tomorrow.. maybee??

again guys this is an alt chapter.. m'kaaaayyy..?? hahaha

Love ya guys!
Thank you for the 12K reads!!!!!!

Wrong Messages | Yoongiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें