Chapter 6: Lydia and Washington reunited at last

Start from the beginning

~Sasha Woodhull's POV ~
Ugh, this is terrible Selah has been taken prisoner and is now on a boat with other prisoners along with Samuel Tallmadge. Right now I was with Edmund talking about the terms of Selah's freedom and requests he has while he's gone, leaving Anna unprotected without Selah to protect her every time.
Sasha and Major Hewlett:

I was by this point crying my eyes out when Edmund stood in front of my face he had a look of sadness and love in his eyes

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I was by this point crying my eyes out when Edmund stood in front of my face he had a look of sadness and love in his eyes. He wanted to kiss me as I wanted to kiss him, so then I held onto him he said" I'll see what I can do but I'm not sure what will happen," then I cried even more as I hugged Edmund like I was gonna lose him. After we hugged I looked him in the eyes and said"Promise me you'll do all you can to bring Selah home we all grew up together Abe, Lydia, Anna, and I all grew up with Selah just bring him home no matter what," with that being said and demanding Edmund kissed me as I stood there feeling his lips brushing against my own.
Major Hewlett and Sasha kissing:

*At Abe's house that same night with Caleb Brewster*~Abraham Woodhull's POV ~ I was having dinner with Mary, Thomas, Anna, Lydia, and Caleb discussing what we can do to slip Lydia passed the British and reunite her with Washington again

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*At Abe's house that same night with Caleb Brewster*
~Abraham Woodhull's POV ~
I was having dinner with Mary, Thomas, Anna, Lydia, and Caleb discussing what we can do to slip Lydia passed the British and reunite her with Washington again. Then Caleb had a plan and since I have a bunch of cabbage still fresh from last harvest I sold it all to Caleb so he can sneak Lydia past the British officers radar.
While we were having dinner Anna told me that my sister was speaking to her fiancé about bringing Selah home, in exchange for his slave's freedom and give up the tavern to the Crown. I wasn't worried about her doing such things I just hope she still sends General Washington information about what the British are up to.
~Lydia Strong's POV ~
I was beside my sister deep in thought about what I should do I mean Caleb is the only one who knows where George is at along with the Continental Army. Then everyone turned to me asking what my decision is then I sighed and turned to Caleb and said"When do we leave Caleb," then Caleb told me that we both leave tomorrow morning and we should arrive hopefully by noon.
But Caleb also explained to me that Ben and some of his men were gonna help us out if were caught by the British, I also never told them that I know how to shoot with gun also Sasha she's so good at it that she kill her enemy from a mile away. I just want to see George again I'm tired of waiting to reunite with him.
*Skip time to Caleb and Lydia traveling through the woods on horseback after riding in a boat*
~Caleb Brewster's POV~
I was helping Ly get back to her General so they can be together again, we were traveling by a boat up river with a bunch of cabbage also on top of her as well. So now we were on our horses Ben and his men were in the woods scouting for British soldiers.
We were not far from the Camp site now another few more hours then Lydia and the General can be together again. Then we heard Ben's signal that there's Queen's Rangers up ahead, heading towards our location Lydia looked worried so then Lydia and I hid our horses behind some bushes as they laid down on their stomachs.
Lydia had her guns ready she's a well prepared lady, so then as such happened we both kept quiet as the Queen's Rangers and Captain Simcoe were passing by with Robert Rodgers leading them. Once they were long gone Ben gave the signal that the path was cleared.
*Arriving in the afternoon at the Continental Army camp*
~Lydia Strong's POV ~

Caleb and I had arrived at the camp in the afternoon I've gotten off my horse and felt scared knowing that all these men were staring at me so when I'm scared I sing

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Caleb and I had arrived at the camp in the afternoon I've gotten off my horse and felt scared knowing that all these men were staring at me so when I'm scared I sing. So that's what I did as I was tying my horse to a tree branch wearing a dress and a cloak. I decided to sing "Wishing you were somehow here again" to see if George was here in the camp.
You were once my one companion
You were all that mattered
You were once a friend and father
Then my world was shattered
Wishing you were somehow here again
Wishing you were somehow near
Sometimes it seemed if I just dreamed
Somehow you would be here
Wishing I could hear your voice again
Knowing that I never would
Dreaming me of you wont help me to do
All that you dreamed I could
(General Washington hears Lydia singing and leaves his tent to see Lydia singing so he joined)
General Washington:
Passing bells and sculpted angels
Cold and momumental
Seem for you the wrong conpanions
You were warm and gentle
Too many years fighting back tears
Why cant the past just die
Both: ( tears in both of their eyes)
Wishing you were somehow here again
Knowing we must say goodbye
Try to forgive
Teach me to live
Give me the strength to try
No more memories
No more silent tears
No more gazing accross the wasted years
Help me say goodbye
Help me say goodbye
After I was done singing I turned and saw George in his uniform with tears in his eyes I gasped as he stood in front of me. I ran towards him crying my heart out, we were finally back in each other's arms again the two of us looked at one another for the first time in 3 years. He caressed my face as I blushed a little bit before I turned away but he made me look at him and said"Don't turn away from me Lydia I've missed you," then before I can say anything else the two of us kissed with passion.
*End of Chapter 6: Lydia and Washington reunited at last *

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