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3 weeks later.

"What is your name?"



"I don't have one." The boy said, head tilted down in discomfit.


"I don't... have one." His teeth were clenched.

"Any relative?"

He just shook his head.

"Where did you-"

"You're dismissed, soldier. I will take care of him now." The Crown Prince entered the room.

They had postponed the interrogation till Louis could walk around without feeling uncomfortable, since the latter insisted on being present with him. His husband was healing fast and he thanked his mother's medicinal syrups.

The soldier got up and left the interrogation room with a bow.

Prodding behind the Prince was a timid Louis and a furious Victor. The former offered him a small smile while the latter scorned at him.

The boy looked away. They had too many naked expressions.

The Prince nodded at him and he wondered how they were so calm with him. He had expected to be executed as soon as he was thrown in this chamber.

"So your name is..."

"Aaron." He said, looking at them. "Please give me a quick death, that is my last wish."

The three were taken aback. Louis had pure heartbreak written over his face.

"We're not going to kill you." Aaron looked at Benjamin in surprise. "However, we can't pardon you either."

"Why? I think I tried to kill your husband. Do you not love him?" The boy asked in disbelief.

Louis spoke up before Benjamin could respond. "But I did not die, Aaron." He moved forward. "You were misguided."

Aaron only shook his head at them. "You are all foolish. I tried to kill him with intent. And I would have succeeded, if you both had been late to arrive."

"Look." Victor snapped, his patience wearing thin. He had not agreed with the royal couple's decision to pardon the scum. "Just accept the fact that the kingdom is taking mercy on you. Personally, I would have liked to backhand you across your childish face, discipline your insolence and then leave you in prison for life, but these-" He pointed to Louis and Benjamin. "fools, as you so said, have my hands tied. So freaking accept your punishment and thank them before I slap you, hard."

He was breathing harshly by now and restraining himself not to act on his threats. Louis was kind of scared by his childhood friend and Benjamin held more respect for him now than ever. He would have liked to rant more but settled on calling Aaron an 'insolent brat'.

"Then..." Aaron started, looking down and fiddling with his tied up arms. "What is my punishment?"

Louis looked too happy for such an atmosphere. "Oh, we'll show you!"


Aaron was speechless.

This was not punishment. This was just a servant's work.

"Is this... appropriate... for a prisoner?" He asked, unsure.

Victor said dryly, "Would you rather service the soldiers in bed? Because I think that will be the best-"

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