The Queen

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Louis [Alexandru] above :)

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"Mother! I'm going to the bakery!" Eighteen year old Louis Desormeaux informed his mother, fixing his sandals before moving out, a basket in his hand.

He walked out of the house, humming a tune under his breath and waving to his sisters who were playing in the backyard. "Do you girls want anything?"

"A chocolate croissant, please!" 

"And a macaron for me!"

"Right." Louis chuckled. His two youngest sisters had a notorious sweet tooth.

Louis had always been a shy one, hesitant to put up his point, timid in front of strangers and sometimes even stuttering. But he argued that it was only a matter of who he felt comfortable with. And although he still got intimidated by unfamiliar things, he had definitely improved a lot since his childhood when he couldn't even introduce himself to other kids.

In his family of seven people, he was the only male child. His father treated him the kindest, and his mother coddled him. His sisters, although all younger than him, adored him a lot and were protective of their sole brother. They loved to joke that he was the baby of the house. Maybe he was too.

He was a happy child, and he loved smiling. He smiled at the kids that played in the neighbourhood, he smiled at the flowers that lined his porch, he smiled at the women who came to visit his women and he especially loved smiling at the boy from the bakery.

Except he wasn't a child anymore. People in Marais are married off by eighteen. He suspected his parents were also looking for a bride for him. He blushed at the thought, pale skin heating up. If only they knew.

He sighed wistfully as he walked down the street to the Joubert bakery. He loved going to the particular bakery because his favourite person worked there. His childhood friend, who had barged into his life at the age of ten, proclaimed his place in Louis' heart and never left. One of the only people he felt the most comfortable with.

A little bell jingled as he opened the door to the bakery and walked in. The boy at the counter looked up and smiled brightly at him. Louis blushed again and waved a little.

"Well hello Louis! How are you this fine day?" The counter boy, aged just a tiny bit older than Louis, asked.

Louis rolled his eyes a little at the antics and said, "I'm very fine Victor. How are you?" He asked politely. But inside, his heart swelled up at the fellow boy's smile.

"Great, now that I have seen your beautiful face." Victor flirted openly.

"Oh shut up you!" Louis said, chuckling a little. "The usual please? Oh, and please add a chocolate croissant and four macarons too."

"Of course sweetheart!" The baker turned around and grabbed a bag and some sheets, starting to wrap the desserts Louis had asked for. He then put two loaves of bread and the desserts into the bag, handing them over to the boy. "There you go. Only the best for you!"

"Thank you" Louis smiled, his nose catching onto the heavenly aroma of the freshly baked bread. He paid him and bid his farewell, giving a shy smile as he went, receiving a wink in return.

He skipped down the street, his mood already on cloud nine. It was hard not to fall for Victor, who was boyishly handsome and paid him attention. He was a very sarcastic one though, and he had found it out in a bad way. He winced at the memories of a haughty Victor admonishing people.

But with his luck, their parents were already looking for brides to marry them off. If only he had the courage to tell his parents that he was only interested in males.

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