Chapter 2

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Lance's hand twitched. He felt a strange urge to clean everything. The castle was filthy. Why was it so dirty? He stood up and raced to the kitchen in search of cleaning supplies. He was not disappointed. Slowly, but surely, and very thoroughly, Lance began to clean. He started in the kitchen but once it was spotless and perfect in the omega's eyes, he moved onto the dining room. After that room was done he started on the bedrooms. 

He was in the process of cleaning Hunk's when the door opened. 

"Lance?" Hunk poked his head in. 

"Hey," Lance said, not bothering to look at the beta. 

"Whatcha doing?"


"I see that," Hunk said, moving forward. He forced Lance to meet his gaze. "Why are you cleaning?"

Lance shrugged. "Instincts." Was all he said before he continued to clean. Hunk sighed. 


"I know I know," Lance cried. He threw down the cleaning cloths and pressed himself into a ball. "I can tell I'm going to start soon. I want to build a nest, but I can't find anywhere safe to do it. I...I..." Lance was starting to feel tears budding in his eyes. "Damn hormones."

"Woah woah woah," Hunk said, rushing over to Lance and engulfing him in a hug. "It's okay's not your fault. This is your first heat in over a year, right? Of course you're feeling uneasy. Do you not feel safe in your room?" 

Lance nodded. Hunk frowned. When omega's went into heat, they needed somewhere safe to nest. If they didn't feel safe than they would override their body's natural instincts and stop the heat before it came. But that was dangerous. If an omega stopped themselves from going into heat they could get violently ill and sometimes die. It was crucial that Lance find somewhere where he felt safe enough to nest.  

"Okay, where do you feel safest?" Hunk asked. Lance paused to think about it before he answered with a shrug. "Okay....who do you feel safest with?"

"You." Lance replied quickly. Hunk felt his heart swell. His best friend trusted him. 

"Do you want to nest in here?" Hunk asked. "I can keep everyone away because it's my room. I can sleep outside so you don't feel abandoned since you don't want to spend your heat with an alpha. How's that sound?"

"I would like that very much," lance said. "Thanks Hunk."

"No problem." 


Lance was having trouble finding all the right things for his nest. He had already stripped his and Hunk's bed of all their blankets and sheets. He had moved Hunk's mattress and it was perfect foundation but now Lance couldn't find anything to cushion with. Lance settled eventually for pillows he found in the rec room. 

Lance then moved onto the harder task. Getting everyone's scent.

he wanted his entire pack's scent to be in his nest. Getting Pidge's and Hunk's would be easy. They already knew the reason why he wanted them. Everyone else would be harder. How could he ask Shiro for a shirt without telling him he needs it for a nest? How could he convince Allura and Coran to give him a pillow or a toy or something that they had been around often? And what would he do about Keith?

Lance flushed as he thought about Keith.

He really liked him. The idea of Keith being his alpha made Lance purr. He wanted Keith to share his heat, but he didn't want to feel rejection. Lance just knew that Keith didn't like him that way. Hell, he thought Lance was a beta, so why would he like Lance?

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