Episode 15

74 4 1

Castle pov...

Kate and I are watching a partly scary movie snuggled together on the couch. Kate jumps at a part where someone jumped out at you, she screams. I ask "are you alright?"
She nods and says "that jump frightened the baby enough to come out"
I say "your in labour"
She smiles and says "yeah we have a bit to wait, the midwife said you don't need to go to the hospital until contractions are 5 minutes apart, we can start to call people and tell them our baby is on the way"

We call Martha, Jim, Alexis, Lanie, Elena, Javi and Kevin. They will come in and meet us in the hospital when we tell them, they all wanted to be updated with any progress.

I grab Kate's hospital bag and put it in the car. We have everything else we need all ready to go.
I check on Kate, her contractions are getting close together and her waters break.
I help her get in the car and head to the hospital as fast as I can without driving dangerously.

We get taken into a room and Kate lies down on the bed while the doctor checks how she is going.
After a few hours of contractions the doctor comes to check and says "I'm sorry but the baby hasn't moved done and is getting stuck we have to take you to emergency cesarean. I go with them almost running through the hospital. I am given scrubs to put on before going into the operating room. They finish prep and then go to give more pain relief and use general anaesthetic but Kate's pain increases and the baby's heartrate is starting to drop so they take me out of the room as they are going to fully knock Kate out for the birth.

I stand where I was told while waiting for any news. The doctor comes out and says "congratulations you have a healthy baby girl who is in neonatal care and Kate is recovering well in intensive care"
Kate and I had decided to wait to find out the gender of our baby. We didn't mind as long as they were healthy, I'm definitely outnumbered by girls in the house now.

They take me to see Kate first but she hasn't woken up yet so I can only see her briefly before going to go see our daughter.

She is sleeping away happily and has Kate's brown hair. She is so cute, I could stand there watching her for hours but I don't. I go to the waiting area where everyone has been waiting for news on Kate and the baby. I go over to them and say "both are healthy, Kate's recovering well and should wake soon"
Jim asks "do I have a new granddaughter or grandson"
I smile and say "you have a granddaughter"
They smile and give congratulations. The doctor walks over to us and says "Katherine is back in her room now and we will bring your baby to you soon"

Lanie says "go and come get us once Kate is ready for visitors"

I head into Kate's room, hug her carefully and say "I love you"
She says "I love you too"
I ask "how are you feeling?"
She says "some pain but it was worth it, can't wait to see our daughter"

There is a knock on the door and a nurse walks in with out baby. She is handed to Kate and we smile and Kate says "I think she suits the name we had picked out"
I nod and say "definitely"
Kate looks at our girl and says "I'm your mama and this is your dada, welcome to the world Isobel Zoe Castle".

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