Episode 9

156 6 0

Beckett pov...

We get a call about a new case and head to the scene where 28 year old Bob Sinclear has slit wrists. He was found in his apartment by a neighbour who heard a scream and went in after no one responded to the door.
Lanie looks at the body and says "this looks like a suicide but there was no way the he could have cut his wrists both that deep and not have a knife on him.

We search around the apartment and Elena looks in the bedroom which has been ransacked and there is an empty safe that had been opened in the wall.

We got CSU to come in and go over the place to check everywhere for DNA, fingerprints, and forensics.

We all head back to the precinct where we set up the murder board while waiting for test results to come back. Elena and Ryan go over financials, Espo goes over phone records and Castle and I talk to the victims next of kin which turns out to be his dad.

Castle and I take him into the office to talk. We find out that the vic had just lost his job a month ago and hadn't been in a relationship for five years. He was close to his friends and didn't seem to have any enemies.

The dad leaves and Castle and I go and see what the others have found. Elena finds that he was getting low on money since he lost his job and had used up all his savings.
The labs call and there is no forensics found at the scene to show any evidence of who killed him.
Espo finds that there have been multiple calls from two numbers. We trace the numbers and one was his old boss and one was a workmate who was also fired at the same time as Bob.

We get them both here for interrogation. Ryan and Espo talk to the workmate and finds out that he knew about Bob being chosen for the job. Bob hadn't been told yet so JJ went over to Bob's house and killed him to make it seem like he was depressed and thought it was the last option, JJ wanted the job so much as he was in debt and needed the money from the job.
We get JJ to sign the confession and he is sent to booking.
The case is closed and we finish the paperwork before home time where Castle and I invite Lanie, Espo, Ryan and Jenny for dinner at our place as we haven't all gotten together out of work for a while.
We all have Castle's famous pasta Alfredo and chicken that everyone likes. After dinner we play a few rounds of poker which Elena wins causing Castle to sulk as he normally always wins. After the rounds the others decide to go home as it was getting late and we have work in the morning.

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