Episode 4-Part 2

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Elena pov...
I am relieved now as I have met my cousin and she wants to get to know me. It will be interesting at work as I will be working in the team with her, her husband Rick 'Castle' and the others who I met and seem really nice.

It starts to get late so I say my goodbyes to the others and head to the motel where I am staying. I go to sleep straight away but am woken up by a loud scream.

I get up and walk out of my room. I see a shadow of someone walk out of the room 42. I run in and see blood on the floor and turn the corner and see a female lying on the floor with stab wounds in her stomach.
I go back to my room which is 43 and get my phone. I call Kate and she answers still half asleep. I says "hey Kate"
"Hey Elena what's up" she responds
I say "there was a murder in the motel I am staying in"
That woke her up as she says "what?"
I laugh and say "at the Starburst motel room 42 a female was murdered"
"Ok, be there soon with the team" she says before we end the call.

I go down to reception and ask see that the manager is on, I tell him "sorry to say but someone in room 42 has been murdered, the NYPD are on their way now"
He nods and says "thank you for letting me know, they can have anything they need, I hope this is solved"
I nod as Kate as Rick walk in. I show them where the body is and tell them "I will be back soon"
I go back to my room and get changed into some clothes that I can work in. 

When I get back in the room Ryan, Esposito and Lanie have arrived.
Lanie says that "time of death would be around 4am", I smile and Kate says "that's when Elena called me"
I nod as says "I called you as soon as it happened"
"How did you know?" Ryan asks
"Her scream woke me up, so I got up and into the hallway when I saw a shadow coming out of the room. The door was open and I walking in saw the blood, found the body and called Kate"
Rick asks "Where is your room?"
I say "Just down the hall, I am on the other side of the hallway so it's pretty close"

We finish at the scene and get ready to go to the prescient. I ask Kate for a ride in and she says of course. I go to my room to grab my bag and she follows me and says "what made you chose this place if you don't mind me asking"
I tell her "it's fine, this place is the cheapest around and I don't have much money"
"I forget your only 15, you are so mature" she says
I nod and tell her "I grew up fast due to being advanced at school and finishing early and then when my mum got sick I started to look after her, when she passed away I had no choice as I didn't know my dad or his family and the only family I knew on mums side was you due to what she told me"
"If you wanted to there is spare rooms at my place and I would like you to stay in one, we can get to know each other better and you wouldn't have to pay for anything"
I tell her "only if your sure, I don't want to be a burden to anyone and I can pay some money"
She smiles and says "of course your welcome to and your family, you don't need to pay anything"
I say "thank you, I would love to"

We get back to the prescient and Kate sets up the murder board of what we know, 31 year old female Sara Stevens stabbed to death at 4am.
Ryan gets financials and Espo gets phone records.

Captain Gates walks in at 5:30am and sees us all working. She comes over to Kate and I and says "I didn't know we had a murder"
I look down and say "sorry, it was the person living near me in my hotel and I called Kate as soon as I knew she was murdered"
I see a look of shock on her face and she says "wait, you only just got here and already a person was murdered who lives close to you"
I nod but don't say anything.
Ryan calls out "we got a lead"
We go over to him and he shows us a photo of Ruby Parker and says "they were seen having a fight at work and Ruby said that she will kill Sara"
I ask "where do they work?"
Ryan answers "a place called 'hidden surprise cakes', it's a small bakery shop".
Kate says "we can go there when they open to talk to the workers and find out what the fight was about and see if Ruby is there"

The five of us all head to the shop just as it opens, Ruby isn't there but one of the workers Kaitlynn tells us they were fighting about money and Sara wanting to sell but Ruby wanted to expand.

We then go to Ruby's house and she wasn't there. We get a hit on the bolo as she was seen at a Ella's dinner about half an hour away.
Patrols bring her in and she confesses and said "I needed the money"
It's sad to think that people kill for such stupid reasons.
Ruby gets taken to booking. Ryan, Espo, and Kate start filling out paperwork and I fill out some of my forms that I need to for the internship. Castle just sits on his chair and watches Kate. When we finish
Gates tells us to go home as we started early.

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