Chapter 6

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A/N Sorry for the huge break! Thank you all for supporting me and leaving me such kind messages and comments! I'll hopefully be updating this more regularly now! Hope you enjoy :)


Jack emerged from the bathroom, feeling better than he had in years. Although he only spent a few minutes in the shower, not wanting to waste their water, it was nice to have a hot shower instead of an ice cold one for a change. He got changed into his clothes, hating the way that nothing fit him. He was never allowed new clothes and all the ones he had were hand me downs. They hung off his frame, highlighting how skinny and frail Jack really was. He looked in the mirror and stared back sadly. He had dark bags under his eyes and he looked out of place. He was never going to fit in with this perfect family. They already had two good kids, why would they want a screw up like him?

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Jack? You ok?"
"Yeah I'm coming, sorry!" He mumbled, grabbing the dirty towel and throwing it in the basket. He stepped outside and was met with a smile from Conor, who wrapped his arm around Jack and pulled him towards the stairs. Jack visibly flinched, and Conor frowned, before removing his arm.
"So um, you ready?"
"Yeah" jack stuttered, head facing the ground.
He followed the older boy down the stairs and out the house to the car where the rest were waiting. He got in besides Anna who was in the middle, and he leans against the window, staring outside.

They pulled up to a restaurant. A nice restaurant. A really nice restaurant. The kind that Jack would stand outside and imagine what it would be like to eat in there. He was shocked. How could they afford this? How could they afford him? He couldn't pay them back for this! He decided he just wouldn't eat anything, then he didn't have to worry about owing them anything.

They went inside and sat down and read the menus.
"So, what's everyone having?" Gary asked, looking around at everyone.
"I want pasta. No pizza. No pasta. But pizza looks good. PASTA!" Anna said, not breathing between her words.
"Anna sweetie calm down. You have whatever you want. I might have the bruschetta, it looks lovely. What about you Con?" Helen asked
"Burger as usual" he grinned, laughing.
"What about you Jack?" Gary asked, smiling at the boy.
"I'm um, I'm not really- not very hungry thank you" he mumbled.
"Don't be silly honey, you have to eat something!"
"No no I can't" he replied, panic seeping in.
"Jack sweetie, are you alright?"
"I-yes-um, where's the bathroom, p-please?"
"Over there, through those doors" she said, pointing towards the double doors.
"Thanks" he muttered pushing himself up and practically running away from the table.
"Jack what's wrong?" Someone shouted, but the words were lost on Jack who was too far into his panic to even notice what was going on around him.

He walked into a cubicle, slammed the door and fell to the ground. Knees pulled up to his chest. He panted, each breath becoming harder than the last. He felt like he was drowning, his lungs were collapsing. It didn't matter how many times this happened, he still didn't get used to it. He often wondered if this was what dying felt like. If this was what he was destined for. The edges of his vision started to fade and the only sound he could hear was the thumping of his heart in his chest.

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