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Freya's POV

We've traveled through marshlands and Strider now leads us through rough rocky country. He stops and looks at the ruins atop a tall hill."This was the great watchtower of Amon Sûl. We shall rest here tonight" he states. UsHobbits, weary from the long travel, fling off our packs and settle down in an overhang near the hill's summit.

Strider opens a bundle, revealing four short swords. He hands them to the four boys companions."These are for you. Keep them close. I'm going to have a look around. Stay here, Freya make sure they don't make a fire" he whispers the last part to me and I nod my head. I take out my dagger look at it while the others prepare to sleep. I lean against a wall beside Frodo and close my eyes.

However, I fell asleep. Frodo and I woke up to the others cooking stuff over a fire."My tomato's burst" Merry complains.

"Can I have some bacon?" Pippin asks.

"Okay. Want some tomatoes Sam?" Merry asks.

"What are you doing?!" Frodo demands.

"Tomatoes, sausages, nice crispy bacon" Merry answers.

"We saved some for you, Mister Frodo and Miss Freya" Sam adds.

"Put it out, you fools! Put it out!" I shout. As Frodo stamps on the fire, trying to douse the flames.

"Oh, that's nice! Ash on my tomatoes!" Pippin complains. Suddenly, a Nazgûl's cry pierces the darkness. The hobbits jump up, startled, and look over the lip of the overhang. Wesee five Nazgûl closing in on Amon Sûl and the boys unsheathe their swords. While I grab my dagger.

Frodo motions the others to run up the steps, towards the ruins. "Go" he tells us and we do so, me in the middle.The dark night surrounds us as we climb to the top. Westand in the ring of broken pillars of the old ruin, eyes darting about; shadows rise out of the dark.The Nazgûl surround them, pulling out their long swords.

Sam, Merry and Pippin prepare to defend Frodo and I."Back you devils!" Sam says brandishing his sword. Sam clashes swords with the Nazgûl, but is swiftly thrown aside. Merry and Pippin close the gap in front of Frodo and I, but they too are cast aside. As am I.

Frodo backs across the hill, dropping his sword with a clatter.He stumbles, falls, and crawls backward until he is backed against a fallen column. Frodo brings out the Ring from his pocket.Immediately, the leader of the Wraiths approaches Frodo, drawing a long dagger. "No Frodo!" I shout trying to reach him but the otherNazgûl block mine and the others way.

Frodo tries to scramble back, but has nowhere to go. He slips on the Ring. The king stabs something and I hear Frodo cry out in pain.Strider leaps over the invisible Frodo and attacks the Nazgûl with both sword and flaming brand.The King withdraws his dagger and drops it. As Frodo he reappears ring in hand.

"Frodo!" Sam and I shout rushing to his side.

"Oh Freya, Sam" Frodo says looking up at us.

"Merry bring me my bag!" I shout as Strider continues to fight the Nazgûl. He sets them afire and drives them away. Strider then rushes over to us and examines the dagger the king stabbed Frodo with.

"He's been stabbed by a Morgul blade" he states. "This is beyond my skill to heal. He needs Elvish medicine" he adds.

"I can stabilize him until then" I state taking out Kings-foil.

"Do so quickly" he tells me. So I quickly apply the kings-foil and bind the wound. Strider carries Frodo over his shoulder and proceeds to leave Amon Sûl, the rest of us following closely behind them. Nazgûl cries are still heard in the area."Hurry!" he tells us.

"We're six days from Rivendell. He'll never make it!" Sam shouts.

"He will, he has to" I tell him. Wethe forest, the Hobbits and Strider rest beneath a gathering of huge stone trolls. Strider places Frodo down as Sam and I kneel beside him.

"Look, Mister Frodo! It's Mister Bilbo's trolls!" Sam tells him. "Mister Frodo?" Sam asks and checks his temperature. "He's going cold" he states.

"Is he going to die?" Pippin asks.

"He's passing into the shadow world. He will soon become a wraith like them" Strider explains.  "Sam, do you know Athelas plant?" Strider asks.

"Athelas?" Sam asks confused.

"Kings-foil Sam, the plant I used earlier" I tell him.

"Aye it's a weed" he states.

"It helps slow the poison and Frodo needs more of it" I tell him. He and Strider go to find some more while the other two stay with me. Strider returns with an elf maiden on a white horse.

"Frodo.... Im Arwen. Telin le thaed" she tells him gently. (Translation: I am Arwen. I have come to help you)."Lasto beth nîn. Tolo dan na ngalad" she adds. (Translation: Hear my voice. Come back to the light).Strider chews a portion of the Athelas and applies it to Frodo's wound."He's fading" the elf states in English."He's not going to last. We must get him to my father. I've been looking for you for two days" she tells Strider.

Who picks up Frodo and takes him over to the horse. "Where are you taking him?" Merry and I ask.

"There are five wraiths behind you. Where the other four are, I do not know" the elf states. Strider mounts Frodo onto the elf's horse.

"Dartho guin perian. Rych le ad tolthathon" Strider tells her in elvish. (Translation: Stay with the Hobbits. I will send horses back for you).

"Hon mabathon. Rochon ellint im" the elf argues. (Translation: I'm the faster rider. I'll take him).

"Andelu i ven" Strider states. (Translation: the road is dangerous).

"What are they saying?" Pippin asks and we all shrug.

"Frodo fîr. Ae athradon i hir, tur gwaith nin beriatha hon" the elf states. (Translation:Frodo's dying. If I can get across the river, the power of my people will protect him). "I do not fear them" she adds in English.

"Be iest lîn" Strider says. (Translation: As you wish).Their hands clasp tenderly. The elf mounts her horse, with Frodo seated in front of her."Arwen, ride hard. Don't look back!" Strider tells her. So her name is Arwen.

"Noro lim, Asfaloth, noro lim!" Arwen tells her horse. (Translation: Ride fast, Asfaloth, ride fast!). The horse gallops away with Arwen and Frodo.

"What are you doing?! Those wraiths are still out there!" Sam shouts.

"Where is she taking my little brother?" I demand.

"To Rivendell, only she can get him there in time" Strider states. "I promise, you will all see him again in Rivendell" he assures us. "Now we should all rest, she'll send horses when she reaches Rivendell" he tells us. I curl up on a bed of leaves pulling my cloak over me. I pray for Frodo's safety as I fall asleep.


Picture above of the three stone trolls and picture on the external link of Weather-top.

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