Family Reunion and Coronation

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Freya's POV

I wake to someone shaking me and open my eyes to see a smiling Frodo. I cheer and hug him tightly. Glad that's he's awake. Gandalf and I had found him & Sam in time. But Frodo did lose a finger. I used my crystal to stop the bleeding. However, Frodo has been asleep for days and I have not left his side.

I hear Gandalf laugh and pull away wiping away my tears of joy. Just then Merry and Pippin enter the room. They run over to us and join Frodo & I on the bed. They start to tell him about their adventure smiling the whole time. I notice Gimli in the door way smiling at us all clapping his hands.

"Gimli!" Frodo shouts with a smile. Gimli comes to stand by Gandalf as Legolas and Aragorn enter the room. Smiling at Frodo. Sam enters last, exchanging a knowing look with Frodo.

"Well you're healing well, you should be ready to attend Aragorn's coronation in three days" I tell Frodo happily.

"You're finally going to become king of Gondor?" Frodo asks him.

"Yes" Aragorn says. "Just waiting for the last of the guests to arrive. Everyone has been invited" he states.

"I go us all new clothes. They are all the right size and are clean" I tell him. "But take it easy until the coronation. Healer's orders" I add.

"I'll take it easy" he assures me.

"I expect to hear all about your journey some day and I will tell you mine" I tell him. "Now I have other patients to check on. I'll bring you back some food later" I state. We hug again and I leave the room.

"Freya!" Gimli calls as he follows me.

"Yes, Gimli what is it?" I ask him curious.

"I hoped we could now talk about what happened before the battle of the black gate" he states scratching the back on his neck.

"You mean about how you kissed me?" I ask.

"You kissed me back" he says.

"I don't deny I have strong feelings for you Gimli. They have not left since we won the war. But my brother just woke up and he needs me. I have to be there for him" I tell him.

"Aye, but before you leave. I have a question for you" he tells me. I nod my head for him to continue. "Will you be my date to the coronation ball?" he asks me.

"I'd be honoured, I'll find you after the coronation" I assure him. "Now I must check on Faramir and Eowyn" I tell him. I kiss his check and leave to check on the others.

(Time skip)

It's time for Aragorn's coronation and I am standing with Frodo & the other three. I've split my time equally between Frodo and the others & Gimli. Frodo and I have exchanges brief versions of both our stories. We both agreed to write it all down in the book Bilbo left us.

Anyway atop of Minas Tirith, a crowd fills the courtyard. To watch the coronation. Gandalf places a crown on Aragorn's head. "Now come the days of the king. May they be blessed" Gandalf states.  Aragorn raises and turns to address the crowd.

"This day does not belong to one man but to all. Let us together rebuild this world... that we may share in the days of peace" Aragorn tells us. We all applaud. "Et Eärello Endorenna utúlien. Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn' Ambar-metta" he sings him elvish. (Translation: Out of the Great Sea to Middle-Earth I am come. In this place will I abide, and my heirs, unto the ending of the world).

He begins to walk through the crowd. He is greeted by Faramir and Éowyn, King Éomer, and then Legolas, who stands with a group of elves. Legolas and Aragorn place their hands on each other's shoulders. Aragorn thanking Legolas in elvish. Legolas steps aside to reveal Elrond and his daughter Arwen.

As Aragorn stands amazed, Elrond motions Arwen towards him. Aragorn grabs Arwen and kisses her. I smile as I clap with the others. Arwen joins him as he greets the dwaves and then reaches us hobbits. We bow to him. "My friends! You bow to no one" Aragorn tells us.

Aragorn, followed by everyone else present, bows before us. I smile meekly at the other four. Aragorn and the others rise and it's time for the ball. "I must go find Gimli, I'll see you boys later" I tell the others. I hug them all and go search for Gimli.

I find him and curtsy. He introduces me to his parents. Then asks me to dance. I agree and we join the other couples that are dancing. "So Legolas and I are going to go to the Glittering caves, would you like to join us?" he asks me.

"Sounds beautiful" I tell him. "It's not far is it?" I ask him.

"No, it's be a day trip. Two max" he assures me.

"Then I'd be delighted to come" I tell him. "But the others and I return to the Shire in a week" I state.

"But what about us Freya?" he asks me.

"I care for you, but Frodo and I have things to do" I tell him. "Don't tell the others, but he's leaving Middle Earth. I don't want to leave him on his final weeks here" I tell him. "Once he leaves, we can explore this" I assure him and kiss his cheek. "I love you Gimli son of Gloin" I say in his ear before leaving him there shocked.

"So you and Gimli?" Frodo asks as he joins me. I blush lightly. "I'm glad you won't be alone and he's a good dwarf. He'll take care of you" he says with a small smile. We spot Pippin and Merry having a drinking game. We shake our heads with a chuckle and join Sam at a table.

The rest of the ball was fun. Gimli walked me back to my room and kissed my cheek. "I love you too Freya" he tells me before leaving. I go to sleep that night with a huge smile on my face.


Picture above of Freya's dress and picture on the external link of the other hobbits.

Only the epilogue left.

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