Chapter 2

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"I failed him," Thomas broke the silence. "He hated me because I couldn't fulfill the one and only thing he's ever asked me to do." Tears glistened his eyes. Thomas tried hard not to let the tears fall down.

Minho looked down. Tears trickled down his cheek-Minho quickly wiped them. Thomas swore, he'd never seen Minho looked so sad. He could always control himself, easily deal with the death of his friends. However, the situation was different. They weren't in the dangerous situation that forced them to act quickly. Minho had more times to mourn his sorrow. Besides, Newt was his best friend since he had trapped in the maze. No wonder. Back to the maze, Thomas remember Newt also looked as sad as Minho because of possibility of Minho's death.

"No, Thomas," Minho said solemnly. "At least, You've tried. Newt wouldn't let you risk your life. I am sure, Newt would hate himself if you got killed for doing what Newt asked you to."

"Maybe," Thomas seemed hesitant to say what he thought. His words only reached his throat. Guilt blocked its way. Actually, Thomas wanted to say that, especially to his best friend. So, he pushed himself to speak up. "How if ... I really could help them to find the cure? If we could safe Newt?"

"Dude, there is no cure," Minho tilted his head, his eyes glued to Thomas. "You told me they needed your brain to complete the blueprint, to make the cure. They couldn't guarantee whether it would work or no. Even if that could, they'll need a long time to make the cure. Before they finish, maybe Newt ..." the last word failed. Minho wasn't able to say it. "Thomas, don't ever think about it! Don't let yourself feel guilty just because of that stupid thought." Minho squeezed Thomas's shoulder. "We can't be here forever. Let's go get some Frypan's stuff and hope we don't shucking choke."

Thomas slowly rose up. Yeah, he was hungry.


Thomas and Minho came very late for breakfast. Luckily, Frypan left them a plate full of roast fish and potatoes. They ate in silence. No one wanted to continue their conversation at the beach. They took five minutes to finish the breakfast.

People separated around, working their own part. Minho, Gally, and the other classified the job-just like they did in the Glade. They got the Track Hoes, the Cooks, Builders, Sloppers, Baggers, Med-jacks, Blood Housers, Hunter, and Sitter. No Runners and Map Makers-they didn't need that job. The sitters were the ones take care of children and teach them something they must had in school. Thomas had never liked the job as a Blood Houser, but he was happy to go hunt with Aris who was the keeper of the Hunter.

Gally saw Thomas and Minho. He joined them. His face was grim.

"What's up, Gally?" Minho easily understood that Gally wanted to say something.

"It's about Harriet," Gally told. "She's getting worse."

Two days earlier, Harriet got an accident. When she stood guard near the woods, she heard someone cried. She walked into the woods and saw Aris was attacked by a wolf. Harriet help him. That wild animal turned to attacked her. Before it finished her, Jorge and Sonya come. They helped her. With Aris, they took Harriet back to the village. Harriet got a very bad injury.

"There is no medicine here. No supply anyway." Gally moaned. "It's safe here. But, it's like we live in the stone age."

Gally was right. It was more difficult to make a living in there than that of in the Glade. In the Glade, the Creator sent whatever they needed. In there, they could only take advantage from what earth provided. There was no electricity. There was no medicine of course.

"The children," Gally continued. "They will easily study what we teach if there are papers and pens. And Frypan will be very happy if he got the stove."

"You think we have to ..."

"Yeah, Thomas, we have to go out there." Gally nodded. Grim wasn't leave his face yet. Thomas presumed Gally didn't really think about those two things he mentioned last. It was more about Harriet. He worried about her. Though, that didn't matter for Thomas. That wasn't something selfish.

"Okay. We will planned it!" Minho responded. "What do you think, Thomas?"

Thomas took a moment thinking, then nodded. "Maybe we can get what we need out there."

With that, Gally nodded, then rose up.

"Where are you going, Gally?"

"Help the Builders." Gally stepped away from them.

"I am going to see Harriet." Minho stood up.

"I'll go with you."


Harriet awoke. But, Gally was right. She looked so bad. Her face was pale. And she looked so weak. Her left leg waa the worst. Brenda was there with her-she got a job as a Med-jack, sat down on the one and only chair near the bed. She greeted Thomas and Minho as they both entered the room.

"How do you feel, Harriet?" Thomas asked when he took the position beside Brenda.

"I feel sick."

"Yeah, you look horrible. But, don't worry, shank. We will find some medicine." Minho promised her.

"There is no medicine here," Harriet denied.

"I know, you shank," Minho answered. "Don't know out there. Maybe we can even get some clothes and the other stuff we need."

"You don't plan to leave this place, do you?" Brenda glanced at Minho, then Thomas.

Thomas exchanged looks with Minho. They ordered each other to answer. But, they both shook their heads. Brenda gave Thomas a sharp look, forced him to speak up. Eventually, Thomas succumbed.

"Yeah, we've planned to go."

"That's crazy," Harriet muttered. "You just try to kill yourselves. There are so many Cranks out there."

Thomas once again exchanged a looks with Minho. That time was for Minho to answer. "I do know. We are immune. They won't infect us. We just need to avoid them, fight them if necessary. We can beat them."

"Who will go?"

Minho shrugged. "We don't know yet. Need a gathering to decide. Perhaps me, Thomas, Gally-"

Before Minho could finish, Brenda pulled Thomas away. She stopped in front of the homestead. She finally got his hand loose from Thomas's. Brenda stared at him with a harsh look, then blurted out. "Thomas, you don't know what you gonna do. The Cranks were dangerous. They can hurt you. Even worse, kill you. You don't have any weapon, remember?"

"Slim it, Brenda." Thomas tried to stay calm. "I definitely know. We can make a weapon before we go."

"They can kill you, Thomas," Brenda repeated.

"I know." Thomas was surprised by Brenda's reaction. His eyes moistened with tears. Brenda was so care to him. Guilt suddenly pricked Thomas's gut. He couldn't give his whole heart to her, just like she did. Thomas couldn't stop thinking about Teresa, how he missed the girl that he liked so much.

Tears ran down Brenda's face.

Thomas did something he could only think of. He reached out and took Brenda's hand. "Harriet needs some medicine, Brenda. If there is a way I can do to safe my friend, I will do. Harriet is my friend now. I don't wanna lose another friend."

Brenda craned his neck to stare at Thomas's eyes. "I won't be happy if something bad happened to you."

Thomas nodded. "I know. I'll try not to hurt myself."

"I'm going with you," Brenda demanded.

Thomas shook his head. "No, Brenda. We need someone strong enough to stay here while a bunch of us go out there. You have to take care of Harriet. And I ... I can't put you in dangerous situation." Thomas really meant that. Anyway, Brenda was one of the person he liked the most in this world.

"You're so selfish!" Brenda protested, but his lip curved forming a smile.

Thomas smirked. "Yeah, I am, dear."

"Promise me you'll be back safe and sound!"

"I promise." Thomas wiped a couple of tears from Brenda's face. He kissed her on forehead, then hugged her tightly.


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