part 6

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*********** so after many weeks ive finally updated. i promise to try to write more.<3<3 i changed it up a bit, i hope you enjoy:) *********************

Maybe agreeing to go to Hawaii with Austin was a terrible idea, it's been three days here and I've been treated like i don't even exist. Granted this is a fake relationship but i thought he at least cared enough to be my friend and hangout with me.

I hated the way Austin acted like i was invisible when therre wasn't any paparazzi around, but i hated how he treated me when they were around even more.

sometimes he seemed so genuine and interested that at times i forgot this was all arranged by our managers, sometimes i felt like he actually liked me. but thats me though, thats macy bradley so quick to fall and so easily broken.

i was sat down by the beach, running my toes through the sand and listening over my new album on my iphone. It hasn't been released to the public yet but my family really likes it and i'm feeling real good about it.

there was a light tap on my shoulder, i looked up to see Alex kicking the sand.

"hey Macy" he said before plopping down beside me.


i was just starring out at the ocean, the water was so clear and looked so warm. it was a very beautiful scene, very similar to a postcard i had when i was younger, it was from my grams and i used to stare at it for hours not believing a place this beautiful could exixt. and here i am. alone.

"we were looking for you, you just kind of left"

" Yeah, i just needed some fresh air." i lied.

"Austin seemed upset"

yeah right.

"i bet he was. he hasn't seemed to care about me at all"

he sighed, looking down at his hands.

"he told me the truth, i know about the arrangment you two agreed to. i'm not going to judge you but i don't agree with it. you're both just setting eachother to get hurt"

"i used to think he was an ignorant ass and hate him, but then i got to know him and he was so kind and gentle and now he's so cold. "

"he get's like that around fathers day, with his father being dead and all. it's hard for him to cope. maybe you should try talking to him."

i nodded. i will talk to him i know exactly how he feels. i havn't lost my father but i did lose my grandfather to cancer, and not a day goes by that i don't think about him and shed a few tears.


we were all crowded in the hotel restraunt, it was rather busy but luckily our table was reserved. i had on a tight black and gold dress with black heels, i felt really elegant and beautiful. it was me, Austin, Alex, Robert, our moms and managers.

This was supposed to be a 'Business' meeting but i think it was just for show considering they made me sit next to Austin and hold his hand. He didn't saw a word to anyone, he just stared down at the table emotionless. he looked so broken, so lost, so scared.

i nugged him alittle. he broke eye contact with the table and placed his eyes on me. it sent shivers up my spine, the way he looked at me was so harsh.

"whats wrong?" i whispered.

he didn't say anything. just clenched his jaw.

"Austin" i rubbed his arm turning towards him.

"mace i don't want to talk about anything, just sit here pretend to be inlove with you and go to bed."


i let go of his hand and turned back towards everyone else. i won't lie that stung pretty badly and There Robert was analyzing my every move and motion. i awkwardly looked away.


i wasn't having fun. no thats an understatment. i was absolutely miserable being here right now. I just wanted to run away and go to sleep and maybe never even wake up. Everyone was annoying me with their constant laughter and talking.

Macy had tried talking to me but i completely blew her off, i felt kind of bad because i could see her hurt expression but i didn't care i was tired and couldn't be bothered.

no one understands the pain and grief i feel, i've completely crashed and i don't think i'll be able to get out of this slump. i just need a good cry, i havn't been able to because i havn't had a second alone in the past three days,

i looked over at Macy who looked even more miserable than i did, she would occasionally smile or laugh but i could tell they were forced. she was so beautiful, perfect from head to toe, i would mind having her in my bed, but i wouldn't actually date her. which is sad because i know for a fact ive lead her on.

"excuse me"

i excused myself quickly and headed in the direction of the bathroom. i needed a minute alone, a moment where no one would question my every move. I walked into the room with various stalls and urinals. i went into the farthest stall.

i didn't want to break down and start crying, but i couldn't keep all this pain inside me anymore. i broke. i slid down the wall and just cried. and oddly enough the only person i wanted right now was Macy.


something didn't feel right, something in my body was telling me there was something wrong, Austin hasn't come back and it's been nearly fifteen miutes.

i exchanged worried looks to both Alex and Robert, they both got up and went to where i assumed was the bathroom. I impatiently waited for them to come back. when they didn't come back right away i got nervous. i don't even understand why i feel like this, scared and worried about Austin. he's not even my boyfriend.

Robert Came from around the corner waving me to come with him. oh no. I quickly got up and made my way to him.

"what's the matter?" i half yelled.

"he's having a meltdown and wants you."


we walked over to the bathrooms, i could hear him arguing with Alex.

"go in"

i raised my eyebrows " but it's the boys room"

he didn't say anything, just pushed me through the doors and into the bathroom.

"Austin?" i said quietly and calmly.

my eyes met austins the second i went arount the corner. he looked so upset, so hurt and i did't know what i was going to be able to do to cheer him up.

he didn't move, just sat there looking up with no emotions just tears in his eyes. Alex and Robert left and went to guard the door. I knelt infront of Austin, glacing into his eyes.

"why did you ask for me"

"because you have to pretend to care" he looked away.

"i don't have to pretend. i do care. now tell me whats wrong " i gently wiped his face.

"it's just my dad, he never got to see me grow up and become sucessful, and fathers day just fucking sucks"

i hugged him tight and let him cry on my shoulder, and i didn't even care if he was ruining a two thousand dollar dress, means he must be special. I rubbed his back to try to calm him down. but nothing worked.

i quietly started singing part of my song, swaying back and forth

"And if I never get to heaven, Do you think I'll still be free? And if I never get to heaven

Say you'll come and be with me. Be with me"

and in some ways i meant those words. i did want him to be with me.

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