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"come on beautiful I'm not that bad, ladies love me" Austin said trying to reason with me

he was so cocky it was disgusting. I just shook my head and gathered up my things. I wasn't going to go through with this.

"this is what's best for you guys" Shannon said placing her hand on my shoulder, One thing about Shannon was how persistent she was, she wouldn't let me have my way she wouldn't give up until I finally gave in. but not this time.

"couldn't it have been anyone else but him?" I an my fingers through my hair. replaying all the mean things he said to me in my head. if he can say those things to a stranger he'll say them to me his "girlfriend" one time was enough for me. I can't pretend that I actually like him,

I looked up at him smirking checking me out, he was making me sick.

"why are you so happy about it? last I checked all you did was make fun of me"

"oh babe, I was in a bad mood I didn't mean it, besides you're hot. so you make me more famous and people think I got a hot girlfriend. Win win"

I scoffed and shook my head. I'd never and I repeat NEVER date him on my own free will. no way. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME. why couldn't Justin just have walked through the door.

"come on you two, hug and make up" Shannon said clapping her hands.

not going to way in hell. nope.

I looked at Austin who still had a smirk on his face, damn dosnt his face hurt? I shook my head but before I could protest he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.gross. I faked a smile while Shannon took a quick picture which I assumed was for her instagram. I had to admit he was warm and smelt nice. no Macy you hate all of him.

"okay you can let go now" he didn't.

"Austin. you're crushing me" and with that he laughed and let go.

he leaned in closer to my face, I swear to god if he tried kissing me or something im going to smack him in the face. he didn't though. he just smiled and whispered a whisper that only I could hear

"you're going to make me rich"


Shannon wasted no time in setting up a date for tonight, I mean I don't like Austin but I was kinda excited to go out. it's been months since ive been on a date. it was a warm summer night so I just decided to wear a skirt with my usually hair, which is half up half down with a few loose curls.

Austin was 45 minutes late. and he can't blame it on traffic he lives down the street from kylie and kendalls, which is where I am since the girls wanted to do my makeup, I couldn't tell them that it wasn't real, and after of a few minutes of convincing them I was completely wrong about him they gave in and make me look decent.

I stepped out onto the porch and waited, and in no time I saw Austin's obnoxious red range rover. He instantly stepped out wearing all black with a pair of sunglasses on, its night time.

"hey beautiful" Austin said hugging me tight, too tight for comfort, I flicked the back of his neck

"ow what the hell"

"I felt your hand trying to go up my skirt"

he pointed to the street where a few men were standing with cameras, yup the paparazzi. I sent Austin an apologetic smile and kissed his cheek trying to be in clear view of the cameras.

"I got you something" he said smiling.

his smile seemed so real, I didn't know he could act. I shrugged it off and walked back to his car, he took a single rose and handed it to me. I actually blushed.

real life blushing. how embarrassing.

"thankyou it beautiful" I said examining it.

"just like you"

oh lord.


we were actually in a really fancy restaurant, Shannon def did good when it came to these types of things. Austin and I were eating, we both had gotten spaghetti, maybe a little too messy for a first date but oh well it wasnt't like we were really dating so it doesn't matter if he's attracted to me or not.

we didn't talk much, just would give each other looks. it was kind of uncomfortable when he'd play footsies with me. I guess some girls would think that's cute? I don't know.


I looked back up at Austin "I-im sorry what?"

he chucked and shook his head.great now he thinks i'm a freak. shut up Macy you shouldn't care what he thinks.

"I asked you what you were thinking about"

I couldn't help but smile, but I couldn't tell him I was thinking about him.

"nothing much, just my life and how much it's changed." and that's also true, ive been thinking about that a lot. so much has happened in this past year.

"I really am sorry for the things I said about you, I should have gotten to know you first, because truethfully you're pretty cool"

did he just apologize? wow I feel like a jerk for being mean to him.

"I forgive you" I smiled.

maybe he isn't to bad, maybe I shouldn't hold a grudge. maybe I should give him a chance and maybe be his friend. But nothing more.

"when I heard I was going to be fake dating you I was pretty happy"

"why's that?" I felt my heart skip a beat. Hats weird.

"I don't know because you're cute and it could give me an opportunity to apologize."

"you're not so bad after all" I said truthfully

I could have sworn I saw him blush, but I didn't make a big deal about it.

"since we're going to be together a lot, and for a long time I think we should make it into a game."

I sat up a little not really sure what he meant, he continued before I could reply.

"first one to actually fall in love loses"

easy. I'd never fall for him.

" okay babe" I said smirking.

this is going to be fun.

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