part 3

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Austin was right about one thing. A million girls would love to be in my position but the difference is, I'm not one of those girls. I've had my heart broken so many times, I couldn't trust guys at this point. Austin wouldn't be an acceptation even if what we had was all pretend. How am I supposed to go about acting happy with this boy if I have no idea how to? I've let my guard down before and if I do it this time I know for sure that I will fall for him. I can't help that I fall so easily, that would be the first thing id change about myself.

I set my journal down onto my bed. I've been taking advantage of my free morning to write a new song, well trying to write.Scooter has been on my case to start writing and he's just as stubborn as Shannon. Oh and speaking of Shannon. She thinks that Austin and I are going to slow. I mean i'm helping this kid get his reputation back you think they'd let me work at my own pace, but no. Instead she set up me and Austin going to the VMA's as a couple, and she expects a kiss at the end of the night.great.

I was asked to preform tonight, they wanted me to sing with someone else, but I happily denied. there's no way im ready for that, besides I never even rehearsed. Austin on the other hand was going to preform which gives me a few minutes without him groping my body. That's why he has a bad reputation of being a "player...manwhore"


"you look nice" Austin said with a mouth full of chips.

I rolled my eyes and started brushing the crumbs off of him.

"Jesus Austin, we're getting out any minute, I at least want people to think I'm here with someone who has class"

we sat in silence and waited for them to open the doors to our limo. You could seriously hear the screams and see the bright flashes of cameras from a mile away, my adrenaline started to kick in. this wasn't my first red carpet event but it still made me completely nervous.

"calm down" Austin said rubbing my back as he looked out the window. He was being nice actually trying to comfort me I thought that was nice of him.

"don't you get nervous?" I said looking back at him.

"not anymore, you get used to it plus, ladies love me." there he goes being a cocky son of a bitch,

The doors open and I took a deep breath before finally stepping out, I smiled my best smile and waited for Austin to climb out. his hand instantly found mine, which caused me to smile a bit. I just smiled the entire time, considering everyone was taking pictures of us.

we slowly walked down the carpet, stopping every once in a while so someone could get a picture, Austin had kissed my cheek a few times but that's all id let him do.

we quickly found our seats which happened to be right next to Taylor Swift. oh my god. I loved her ever since I was little. Here comes the actress in me. I smiled and leaned back into austins arms. He had wrapped them tight around me, I kissed his nose and smiled. god I hate this, I knew everyone was looking.


"so you two are now dating?" the reported had asked Austin. he just simply shrugged,

" I dont't know you tell me, i'm not a big fan of labels."  he was still holding my hand, refusing to let it go even after I had continuesly told him I had to use the bathroom. he was being overly clingy which made things so obvious.

Austin nudged me a little causing me to come back to reality. The reporter had turned her attention to me "whats your favorite thing about Austin miss Macy?" I thought for a second before smiling "his curly hair" I didn't lie though, I did like his hair, I looked over at Austin who had bright red cheeks. aw he was blushing.

"we should go back to our seats, they're starting soon." still had that huge smile plastered on his face.

I nodded and we both walked back, hand in hand. I didn't mind holding his hand.somehow it felt right in a weird way. We listened to a few people preform, Miley,Justin, demi, and Rihanna.

not to long after that Austin went up to preform his song what about love.which I couldn't understand, did his song have any meaning behind it? I mean he's a player I cant't actually see him care about a girl. well he preformed perfectly I cant really say anything bad about it.

things were winding down and everyone was about to leave, this is the part of the night I've been a way I kind of want to kiss him, but in a way I don't. but I have to. Shannon will be so mad at me if I don't do this. I sighed and followed Austin outside.

I popped a mint in my mouth, I didn't want to have disgusting breath. that's never cute. my anxiety got worse. but subsided when I felt Austin rubbing my hand with his thumb.

this is it. now or never Macy. I sighed.

"Austin. We have to" he just smirked and leaned closer to my face. My heart stopped. his lips brushed against mine. This feeling I am getting is all wrong. he shouldn't be giving me butterflies. I finally took control of this situation and kissed him, wrapping my arms around his neck. I could see the flashing of the cameras. i cabillion fireworks just went off in my head, sounds cliché i know but its the truth. i pulled away and looked at Austin, he had a weird look. i knew he felt the same thing as i did.

whatever doubts anyone had about us quickly disappeared. we were going to be tomorrows news.

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