part 4

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" I never loved you, I was just using you"

"you're a waste of time, I wish I never got involved with you"

Those words were replaying in my head. Those were the last words Jai had said to me before leaving to get on the plane. He was the first boy to break my heart.

I was just sitting here watching Austin Type on his laptop. I saw so much of Jai in him. Cocky, conceded, dangerously attractive.

"take a picture it'll last longer"  he said looking up from the computer screen, with that smirk I've become so used to. he was always playful and nice around me, that is when he's not trying to get in my pants.

i'm guessing you all wonder what happened after me and Austin's kiss at the VMA's. Nothing between me and Austin, we never talked about it all that much. But the world has. Top news on every magazine and news station. It was kind of nice, but the hate I've received hasn't been.

"it would just feed your ego." I teased. that shut him up.

"i'm going to video chat the fans of you're interested." he layed at the  end of the bed on his stomach.

I thought ran through my head, I grabbed my makeup bag and laid beside him. I looked at him for a minute and smiled." you're going to do my makeup, on camera. it's called "boyfriend does my makeup tag"

"but i'm not your boyfriend" he said chuckling.


after quickly briefing Austin on what everything was for, he soon  turned on his ustream. I was only slightly in frame.

"okay guys, welcome to my Ustream, i'm here with Macy" he paused and turned his laptop towards me. I politely smiled and waved. I was nervous, I don't know why. I covered my face and laughed.

"oh don't be shy" Austin said

I didn't say anything, just put my face in the pillow and giggled.

"i'll be right back everyone, I have some butt kicking to do" he pushed his laptop to the other side of the bed. I didn't move. please don't touch me, tickle me, or do anything please. that's embarrassing, Just then he flipped me over, pinning me down to the bed. There I was laughing like an idiot.

"NO! Austin get of" I said in between giggles.

"love my mahomies! or i'll tickle you and never stop."

I tried my best to get out from under him, it was no use..he was too strong from me. I looked over to the computer and saw it pointed at us.

"I DO! I DO LOVE THEM PLEASE DON'T I MIGHT PEE"  he finally let me go, I rolled over to the laptop out of breath.

"you all just witnessed him bullying me" I couldn't help but smile, I felt Austin lay close beside me.

"i'll make it up to you princess" his eyes seemed so genuine, for the first time I didn't see any Jai in Austin. I put my face back into the pillow, blushing like a lunatic.


Austins POV

I'd be such a liar if I said Macy wasn't beautiful. Her laugh could make anyones day a little brighter. we were both sat up on my bed, still ustreaming to my wonderful mahomies. Macy wanted me to do the Boyfriend makeup thing, I never have actually heard of it but of course I had to act like I have.

"whats this again?" I asked holding up a black tube. she laughed and took it from me removing the cap

"That's for my eyebrows, don't make me look ugly" she pouted, and damn it was adorable. I carefully outlined her eyebrow, or course making it look like shit. I laughed, shaking my head. I did my best to make the other one look the same.

I then took a tube of lipstick and put it on her lips. She had night lips. those are the typed of girls id just take home and you know. But i'm not going to be like that anymore, I've tried with Macy, but she just pushes me away. I love the chase, it drives me crazy. I was just staring at her lips for a while, fighting the urge to slam my lips into hers.

"AUSTIN" Macy's squeaking voice took me back to reality, usually she was the one to zone out. sounds cliché but I got lost in her eyes.

"sorry babe, I was lost in your eyes"

"be quiet" she rolled her eyes, getting off the bed. It made me sad how much she changed when we were alone, it's like I knew her as two different people. She just went back hating me, hating me for criticizing her. She said she forgave me but I know that wasn't the truth. I knew behind that smile there was a lot of pain, and i'm going to find out what.

I may seem like I have everything I could ever want, you also might think being a player and getting billions of girls dropping their pants for me is all that, but it's not. I still get lonely myself. I've only been in one relationship and I was completely heart broken.don't repeat that.Austin mahone doesn't have feelings. I gave my all, and everything just shattered into a million pieces. After that I swore i'd never fall in love again, never date, which is why I stared just Humping and dumping.

I want Macy to feel comfortable around me since we're going to be in this situation for a long time, and I want to somehow make it up to her, I probably ruined her self esteem. I can see it in the way she walks, the way she looks at herself in the mirror i'm more than sure she doesn't see what I do. I shouldn't have let that fight with Alex mess me up so bad Because all I did was take my anger out on an innocent girl.

"you're beautiful" she didn't respond. "I said you're beautiful." still no response.rude. "MACY, I SAID YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL"

with that she glared at me "No."

"no what?" I said in confusion.

"no I won't sleep with you"

"I never said I wanted to sleep with you"

"the only time you ever compliment a girl is when you want to hook up with her"

"well not this time, i'm being serious."

I hated how she thought that of me, even though she was right. A silence grew in the room. It felt awkward.

"thank you" she finally whispered. but I knew she didn't believe it.

But i'm going to make sure she does.

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