part 5

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Macy's POV

Today I was going to meet all Austin's friends. They also believe we're really dating. I hate lying to people, I've always been such a truthful person and this is eating me inside.

He's told me a little about Alex and Robert,But other than their physical appearances i'm completely lost. Hopefully they aren't like Austin, you know all cocky and in love with themselves.

I just decided to make things simple and wear jeans and a flowery top, with my favorite heels. These bad boys are like six inches, I just didn't want everyone to be taller than me.

Austin had decided to not pick me up, but to just give me the address and hope tht i'd find my way there.I'm never good when it comes to directions, never have never will. I don't even like to drive all that much, it gives me anxiety.

89 fulton rd. wherever the heck that is.ugh.

I drove around for twenty minutes trying to find this kids house. of course I had to call Austin and he said he'd be outside waiting.and yep there he was outside the house I've driven by a million times, I growled to myself and pulled into his driveway.

quickly stepping out the car I was greeted by Austin. He gave me a big hug picking me up off the ground.

"well hello to you too" I said smiling, putting my sunglasses on the top of my head. I took his hand and walked up to the door.

He led me into a small house, it had a small sitting area with a kitchen just off it.It was small but it felt like a home.It was nothing like kendall, or kylie's house or even Austin's. There were three boys sitting in the sitting room playing some video game.

"Alex,Robert,Zach this is the beautiful Macy" Austin said, causing all them to look right my way. I smiled and waved not really knowing what to say.

they just stayed quiet and looked at me, then to Austin then back at me. it was awkward.

"Damn, how'd Austin get you" I wasn't sure which boy it was. but he made me blush. I nudged Austin a little, but he didn't laugh. I think he took it seriously.

"Okay Alex you can shut up"

so that's alex. he's pretty cute. I giggled and sat down on the couch, still glued to Austin's side.

"Thirsty babe?" Austin said kissing right below my ear.

it shot electricity throughout my whole body, I tensed up but shook it off. I glared at Austin, he knew he was being bad, he just smirked and left the room to get me something to drink.

another boy got up and sat beside me. "Austin sucks at introducing us., i'm Robert, that's Alex and that's Zach" he smiled, holding his hand out. I kindly shook it smiling.

"well i'm Macy, just incase you didn't know" I giggled looking down at my shoes.

"well Macy, it's very nice to meet you.if Austin doesn't treat you right we'll kick his ass"

"oh quit running your mouth Robert, you wouldn't touch me" Austin plopped down beside me immediately putting his arm around me, he handed me a glass of water.

"thankyou" I smiled taking a sip.

"dude she's like an 19.5 you're like a 5" Austin rolled his eyes, I couldn't help but giggle. they were all so funny. I love how they pick on eachother.

"if you ever get tired of Austin's bullshit, i'm single" Zach said wiggling his eyebrows.

I could tell Austin started getting annoyed.

"will you all just shut the fuck up, she's my girl"

his girl?. tha sent shivers up my body. technically I was his girl.

"did you ask her?" Alex said looking up at me.

I looked at Austin, "ask me what?" I bit the straw and waited for his response, he looked embarrassed.

"well I was going to ask you tonight, but Alex ruined that like he ruins everything else."

"well tell me baby" I said with a smirk, causing him to also smile.

well me and the guys are going on vacation and I was wondering if you'd want to come."

I was not expecting that one bit. he wan't me to come on vacation with him and his friends. I wouldn't really feel too comfortable considering this was the first time I've met them.

"with just you guys?"

they all looked at eachother and laughed.i was so confused.

"no, my mom is going too. that was the only way we were allowed to because she doesn't trust us"

"well I wouldn't either" I said in a whisper.

"what was that?" Austin grabbed my face and squished it, I giggled making fishy lips.

"nothing" I tried to act serious.

"that's what I thought" he quickly pecked my lips

oh my god. there go those sparks again. I seriously need to stop. i'm not some trashy slut he can just use for sex. and I made that pretty clear. but maybe I can't hate him. hating him will make this whole thing not work. plus I need him to fall for me first so I can win.

I decided to kiss him back this time, pulling away like nothing happened. he was just looking at me trying to read any emotions from me, but I didn't let him. I put up that wall. lets just leave it a mystery.

"ew PDA guys, you better not do that the entire time in Hawaii"  Alex said pretending to gag.

"She didn't say yes yet doof"  Robert said.

I mean it would be fun, I've never been to Hawaii but it would also be awkward with Austin and his mom. She might not like me. Me being Austin's fake girlfriend and all she still has to like me.


"yeah i'll come" I said smiling, taking a sip.

Austin kissed my bare shoulders and smiled against my skin. I know i'm in for it.

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