Chapter 5- Right My Wrongs

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"I got to right my wrongs, with you is where I belong."

"Tell me how can I right my wrongs, that's something that I should know." Right My Wrongs by Bryson played through the speakers of my car as I sat in front of my house before school started. I rolled up a blunt leaning my chair back.

I started thinking about Kodie. Why was she the one crying when she dissed me? I shook my head sighing. I just wanted to know what was really up with her so I could be there but for now on I was going to focus on ME.

"BREAK BITCH!" I jumped dropping my blunt.

"Shit!" I hurriedly picked the smoked blunt off my lap. YM laughed getting in the car.

"Stupid ass nigga! Why the fuck you here anyway?" She leaned over grabbing the blunt from my fingers.

"Wanted a ride." she took a hit passing it back to me.

I stale faced her. "You walked all the way to my house for a ride when you could've walked to school yourself?"

She laughed. "I didn't even think of that. Why the fuck you just sitting in your car playing sad shi—you thinking about your shorty ain't you?"

"She ain't my shorty. I'm good on her."

"Nigga stop lying, your little heart probably broke right now. You giving up? Take charge, two studs going at eachother is tough yet very sexy. That's all she needs is for a nigga to take charge." She stated.

I looked over at her shaking my head and pulled out of my driveway. We grabbed our bookbags getting out of the car. I definitely got to right my wrongs with Kodie.

"Yo Carter some bitch looking for you!" One of my friends came up to me. I looked at her confused. Who the fuck could be looking for me?


"Jazz. Tae's ex. Good luck." She said patting my shoulder. I walked into school as everyone stopped to look at me.

"I know we fine but damn." YM whispered. I chuckled pushing her a lil.

"Yo you Carter?" a short stud looking girl came up to me. I took in her appearance, she had teeth like an alligator and her outfit was basic.

"Is there a problem?" I spoke calmly and cuffed my hands infront of me standing in a defensive stance.

"You been fucking with my girl? Wassup with that!" She stepped closer to me. I put my finger up stepping back. I could easily fuck her up in one punch but she wasn't even worth the fight.

"Watch it lil nigga. Your girl been fucking with me, check her because if you step in my face again you gone know why I'm not the one to be messed with." I clentched my jaw hard, I pushed past her walking away. I had one thing on my mind and fighting an alligator wasn't it.


"Oh my god did you hear what happened!?" Jas asked jumping in my face. I shook my head practicing my jump shots. We had a game coming up against another school and I needed all the practice I could get.

"Tae's ex girlfriend tried to step up to Carter but Carter shut her down real quick. You should have seen it!" Jas said laughing. I chuckled shaking my head. Hearing Carter's name made me feel butterflies every time.

I heard the gym doors open and looked over. Carter was walking up to us in full speed with a serious look, which kind of scared me a little.

"Carter what are you do—" She grabbed my face kissing me passionately. I wasted no time kissing her back, she pushed me into a wall grabbing on my ass and continued to kiss me adding tongue.

"Damn." I managed to get out. Her hand stayed gripped on my ass while the other hand choked me for dear life.

She finally broke the kiss. "I want you Kodie Shane and I will not stop until I get you. I'm not going to stop until you're my girl." She growled aggressively. She bit down on my neck sucking a little, I moaned watching her walk away.

Jasmine walked up to me with her mouth stuck open. "Damn that was hot." She fanned herself. I was still too stuck to say anything, my boxers were definitely wet.

I bit my lip. "Bestfriend imma tell you this in the nicest way possible. If you don't give her a chance I'm fucking you up." She grabbed the ball from the ground walking away.

I nodded still smiling. I wanted Carter and nothing was going to stop me from getting her. Before I could finish what I was doing the announcements came on.

"Kodie Shane to the principals office."

What? What did I do this time? Jasmine gave me a confused look. "What did you do?" She whispered. I shrugged.

I threw the basketball walking out of the gym. I walked through the empty halls to the office.

"You wanted to see me?"

She nodded. "Come in Kodie." I closed the door taking a seat.

"Is something wrong?"

"I'm sorry but I have to displace you from the basketball team." She stated. My mouth dropped, I felt my hands start to shake.

"What the fuck do you mean displace me? I didn't even do anything!" I argued. I was on the verge of tears. Basketball was my whole life, it was the only good thing I took my anger out in, it helped me calm down.

"You're recent behavior, removing you from the team is the final consequence. I'm sorry Kodie."

I chuckled angrily. I turned around punching the glass frame she had hanging up breaking it in the process.

"Basketball is the only thing that kept me sane after my mom passed and you want to take that from me?" Tears fell as I shook my head. "All this time I thought you were trying to help me when really you were just against me." I walked out of the office and out of the school. They want the real Kodie...They got her.


I groaned frustrated, I was looking for Kodie but yet couldn't find her and I was started to get worried. I noticed Jasmine and YM walking down the hall.


"Wassup Carter, You don't seem hap—"

"I can't find Kodie." I said cutting her off. Jasmine gave me a look.

"What? She's not in the office? They called her out during gym."

I shook my head frantically. "I checked there, the principal said Kodie left her office upset after their talk. I asked her what the talk was about and she wouldn't tell me." I ran my fingers through my dreads frustratedly.

Jasmine looked in her purse pulling out her phone. "That's weird she usually texts me if she's leaving. Let's go."

We walked out of school to my car in search for Kodie, I hope she was okay, I swear if anything happens to my baby imma go crazy.

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