11- Gym closed, a battle ignites- part 1

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Once the Verity and Ash reached Vermillion City, it was dusk, they both decided to book a couple of rooms at the Pokémon Center. Ash went to bed without dinner, and fell into the covers of the bed. Ash would challenge the gym tomorrow, either he would win or lose, that was the simple truth of a battle, either your better than your opponent or your not, simple. He fell asleep with that in his mind.

Once he awoke, he exited the bedroom and walked to the cafe in the Pokémon  Center, he didn't feel like cooking so he orders some eggs and bacon. Once his meal arrived he started to eat, givinghis Pokémon some of the yellow eggs. Soon Verity walked to the cafe, ordering a sandwich, she took a seat across from Ash, she rubbed the sleep out of her grey eyes. She had a bad case of bed hair, but Ash had to say she looked cute.

"What's the plan today?" She questioned, looking at the boy sitting across from her. Pikachu silently nibbled on a piece of bacon, his other Pokémon out of their pokéballs, except Fearrow, who was in his pokéball. "Going to challenge the gym today," he heard rumours that the gym was closed, but he hoped it wasn't, for that would be a massive delay. At that moment the girl's food was given to her, she slowly ate it. 

Once they were both done their food, Ash was ran out the door, ready to get to the Vermillion Gym. All Veritycould do was laugh at his antics. The Gym was a standard one story building, yellow and had the official Pokémon league symbol on the front. There was a sign, and the door was locked.

"Oh, come on!" Ash complained, his shoulders forward and his head looking at the ground. He was a bit depressed, all his hope for a gym battle was gone, he had to wait a couple of days just to get another badge. But the boy immediately picked himself up, much to Verity's delight and set off, hoping to find a trainer to battle. 

He ran around, looking t trainers asking, all of them declined, but unfortunately he bumped in s boy with brown hair, big brown eyes which were full of hated and cockiness. "Well. Ash boy finally made it to Vermillion City." Ash instantly shrank, his eyes showning an all familiar fear. This boy was what most adults call a genius, a master, a gentleman and the pride of Pallet. Ash knew there was nothing gentle about him, he was a bully, and a craven, he always had a group at his side.

"Lets see how weak you are!" He yelled, throwing a pokéball in the air, a Wartirtle stood, looking at the raven haired trainer. Ash held a weak smile "I've grown since we last met. This won't end like last time! Bellsprout lets go," The flower Pokémon took a stand, both traine and Pokémon staring at each other. All Verity could do was watch, she knew this wasn't going to end well.

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