5- a battle with the devil

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Ash looked at the sunrise, he just got up at first light. After feeding his Pokémon, he returned them (except Pikachu) and continued on his journey to Cerulean City. He was almost there, four days of walking, he was about a day walks from the gym, hopefully to get his second gym badge.  

After walking for six hours, his legs were aching with pain, he looked at the sky, the sun was in the middle of the sky, meaning that it was midday. Sweat was pouring off the young trainer of Pallet. "Just give up, take a break."  A voice in his head said, Ash shook his head, he wasn't going to give up, he would continue to walk. 

So he walked for three more hours, stopping only for a snack and for water. Pikachu was being a brat at most, wanting to battle wild Pokémon. They needed to reach Cerulean City, he knew Gary would be there, gloating that he was the son of the famous professor Samuel Oak. 

At last he walked up a steep hill, looking down on Cerulean City. Down there was his second badge, just waiting for him. He walked down the hill making good progress and thankful that he was goinng downhill.

Then he tripped on a stone the size of a big pebble, talk about embarrassment. He rolled down the hill, Pikachu running close behind, luaghing at his trainer. When Ash finally stopped rolling, he was near the entrance of Cerulean City. He looked up, his head pounding from the fall, he got up and dusted himself off.

Pikachu took his usual place on his shoulder, Ash patted him, walking through the entrance of Cerulean City. The place was packed, people gossiping, eating at a local cafe. Children playing with their friends. Ash looked at his Pikachu, he was watching the kids play. Ash now knows that his childhood was over, he was ten, the age where children are made Pokémon, he now has to put his energy into being the best. He wouldn't let himself or his Pokémon down, he would make the old professor Oak proud.

Ash walked to the park and saw a boy with brown hair and eye's, a black top and purple pants, and a cocky smirk plastered on his face. "Squirtle, use water gun." He moved his hands, pointing at his opponent. The mobed hit and the opponents pokemon was out. Ash new who it was, he was the pride of Pallet town. Everyone loved him, while almost everyone loathed him. The boy was Gary Oak, Gary quickly returned his Squirtle.

"Does anyone else want to battle me." He looked at the cword, who were moving uncertaintly, not really wanting to battle a strong trainer. Ash walked up to him, stopping at the end of the dirt battlefield. "Oh, it's Ass-Burger. The Pokémon Master wannabe, ready to see what true greatness looks like, because I already got my second gym badge." Gary mocked, showing his two gym badges, a cruel smirk on his face, his eyes shone with malice, it made Ash gulp, but Ash didn't flinch, he wouldn't give Gary that satisfaction. 

"Caterpie I choose you." Ash yelled as he throw the pokeball like a cricket ball. Gary fell to his knees laughing. When he finally regain his composure, he yelled. "Go Squirtle." The tiny turtle Pokémon was released from its pokeball with a blue flash, he looked at the worm Pokémon, the same cocky smirk plastered on his face. 

"Squirtle use water gun." The tiny turtle Pokémon charged up the attack and released a jet of water. "Dodge," but the water gun moved to fast and the worm Pokémon had no time to move at all. It fell to the ground, but it got up, barely. "Caterpie use tackle." The worm Pokémon charged at the tiny turtle and hit, but didn't deal a lot of damage.

Ash's eye's widened, Squirtle was stronger than the worm Pokémon. But then Ash's eye's shone with fire, determined to pull through this battle. "Squirtle use bubble." Gary said, moving his hands. "Use-" too late, Squirtle hit Caterpie and it was on the ground, fighting to get up.

Then a blue light took Caterpie, this happened for a couple of seconds, then it took a new from. It looked like a green banana, it was a Metapod, Ash smirked. "Metapod use harden!" Ash yelled, the  cocoon Pokémon's skin shined white, it's defense  was raised, but Gary luaghed, finding this Pokémon more pathetic by the second.

"Finish this with water gun." Squirtle charged up another attack, he shot water at Metapod, Ash thought that the garden would lessen the damage, but the attack continued for several seconds. It was when it finish that Ash knew it was over, he had no shot of winning against Gary's power. But Gary wasn't done yet, he was determined to make this Pokémon suffer.

"Squirtle use water gun." Squirtle obeyed, releasing the attack that lasted ten seconds.

"No, stop it." Ash shouted.

When it finally finished, Gary yelled "Let that be a lesson to you Ass-burger. You will never achieve you dream, your pathetic and your weak." Then he walked away, leaving Asg to return his Pokémon and cry his guts out. 

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