4- (special) team rocket

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In a old abandoned factory hundreds of man dress in black clad and a man sitting on a iron throne, a cat-like Pokémon sitting on the ground next to him. A man with blue hair and white clad came up up to him and knelt. "Boss, your son has bested his first gym battle. His is on his way to Cerulean City for his second badge. He is sure to best that gym for sure, if he finds our facility in that city-" 

He was interrupted the blue hair man and tutted in his annoyance "He won't, he may be true of heart, but he will not be able to get pass the  seventh gym. How was he able to get pass his first gym battle? Tell me!" He commanded to the blue haired man, who was lost for word at the mans  sudden rage.

"He had this system, where he used noises to command his Pokémon. But his system fail him, costing him, his Spearrow. The gym leader said his commands were too simple and slow. The boy listened and sent out his Pikachu and he won the battle by speaking."

The man in the throne was tapping his hand on the arms of the seat, his sign of frustration or angry, or both. He let out a big sigh and commanded. "James, stand up for goodness sake!" the blue haired man now known as James stood up "Go there, intercept my son. I want him, here kneeling infront of me, I want him to know that he is never going to be a Pokémon master. And try not to hurt him too much, we don't want him to be ill when he finally meets his father." 

A cruel smirk was now plastered on his face, he was now standing up from the throne. "Yes Giovanni, I'll get my best man to Cerulean City, and when we get him, we'll be sure that you'll be the first to know. Hail Team Rocket." James said as he put a fist to his heart.

"Hail Team Rocket." Giovanni said as he did the same movements. The man walked to the factory door, his footsteps echoed through the hall as he walked. When he mad it to through the door, the darkness swallowed him up. "Ash, I won't let you shame the Ketchum name anymore then you have. No one will be any wiser if you go missing." A shallow laugh left his lips.

"Jesse, moewth go with James. Make sure he stays low key, you know how he wants to make a splush." A girl with long purple hair, and a scratch cat Pokémon came to the throne nodding, the left as he waved them off. 

"Group 'A'," he pointed to a group of roughly thirty men "Go to out base at Vermillion city, send supplies." Group 'A' left, running out the door. The rest waited for him to leave to his quarters, then they continued to do what they were doing.

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