1- The nobody

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Ash Ketchum was a nobody, having only a mother, who was always out, drinking her problems away. His father never visited, he was too ashamed about his son. One problem was that Ash had Aspergers Syndrome, a disability. To his parents, it was a curse, he had no friends, mostly because they thought he was weird. But he spent his time with the professor Oak, a man who tought him about life and being a trainer. 

His grandson was a rival, someone who was spoiled rotten by his parents, he always got what. To him, Ash should lay face down in a dirt pit. Ash learnt a lot, Pokémon types, abilities, training, strategy.  At seven he was far ahead of those his age, even Gary Oak. The spoiled boy, didn't like this one bit, he started to talk down to Ash, sonetimes beating him up. 

At nine he finally was able to help Tracey at the lab, studying Pokémon and helping take care of new and old trainer's Pokémon. Now after his seven years of learning, he was ready, ready to achieve his dream. It might take some time, but he knew he could do it, his dream was to be more then the strongest trainer, to be a Pokémon master, only a few were able to achieve this.

He walked to the professors lab, everyone else already left on his journey, Ash wasn't always late, but he lost track of time. Normally his mother would stay at the bar,  drink and eat some food until Ash was fast asleep, but she decieded to stay for the night, watching old movies and yelling at the tv for the night. Ash didn't get much sleep, for the fear of getting beat up to a pulp.

He opened the door, the old man beckoned him in, watching the young boy jump up and down in his pajamas. First the professor gave Ash some cloths, a baseball cap with a green triangular design. A jacket with blue at the top, white at the bottom and a red collar with yellow strips, and a black top.

"I'm ready Professor," Ash whispers pm but to the professor Ash sounded like he was speaking normally. He gave Ash a Pokémon that looked like a yellow mouse, it shocked him, but to its surpise, Ash remained unfazed."Thats Pikachu, the eclectic mouse Pokémon." The professor said.

 "I've been though worst, but I still want to be your friend." Ash's voice was calm and full of determination, it was directed at Pikachu, he continued "We're going to be best friends,then you and I will challenge the Pokémon league. Will you join me on my journey, it will be hard, but the efforts will be rewarding."

Pikachu nodded and jumped onto Ash's shoulder, ready to face the challenges of the journey. "Ash, make sure to call regular. Also here is you pokedex and five pokeballs." Ash took them and hugged the professor. "Ash that's a new pokedex, it has every Pokémon from every region in this world." The boy nodded his head in understanding, he shook the old mans hand, and waved goodbye, walking out the door with the Pikachu on his shoulder.

"Ash, you'll achieve your dream, and your parents will understand that your disability isn't a curse. It's a gift." The professor said as Ash walked through pallet town. Ash walked out of Pallet town. The road was full of Pokémon, seeing Pidgey everywhere, but he would catch one later. But he saw a Spearrow, a highly aggressive Pokémon,  but it would be strong. 

"Pikachu use thundershock." The mouse Pokémon attacked the Spearrow, yellow electricity coming out of its body it hit and cause devastating damage. The spearrow knew he couldn't win this fight alone, he shrieked and more spearrow appeared from a nearby tree. He knew he wouldn't be able to fight them all with just Pikachu.

"Pikachu run." He yelled the mouse Pokémon ran and jumped onto Ash's shoulder, the spearrow were gaining now. "Pikachu use thundershock." The mouse use a new move, Ash was shocked, he saw a powerful thunderbolt takedown half the Spearrow. Ash stopped and stood his ground, Pikachu looked tired, but he was powering through the attacks. 

"Use thunderbolt." Ash yelled pumped, the attacked knocked out some more, the others saw they were fighting a losing battle and fled. Ash only needed one of the Spearrow, he walked over to the smallest one, the runt of the litter.

"Hi Spearrow," the tiny bird Pokémon looked at him with keen eye's, ash continued "I want to be your trainer, I want to make you strong-" he grabbed a pokeball "-So will you join me on my journey." The Spearrow gently tapped its head against the pokeball, it got sucked in with a red light.

"Thanks Spearrow." He put the pokeball on his belt, and continued on his way. He thought, not bad for a nobody from Pallet town.

Be strong: Kanto- book 1 (Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora