10- a new catch

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Ash woke up, his back aching from the uneven ground, his partner was on his stomach. He shook Pikachu a little, the mouse woke up instantly, he hopped off the raven haired boy. Ash stood up and started to make his way out, the ground was wet from the rain that poured down last night. The moon was still up, sendingbrays of moonlight towards the ground, he was a day's walk from Vermillion City, he grabbed an apple from his bag and started to munch away at it.

He sat on a rock, Pikachu on his shoulder, he looked at the sky, it was perfect, him and his Pokémon, Ash felt inner peace as the rays on moonlight touched his skin. The sun rapidly raised at five o'clock, it was time to train. He walked down from his perch, and grabbed his two Pokéball's, throwing them in the air. The red winged Spearrow did a loopy-loop, while his Butterfree flew around. "Okay Spearrow, Butterfree, you two will spar."

To the naked eye, it would only spot blurs of movement as Ash commanded his Pokémon, they were that fast. This was when Verity woke up, he back sore, this was use to sleeping in Pokémon Center, then her breath was taken away from her throat. "Okay Butterfree, soaerrrow Pikachu will be entering the battle, you know that two hits of his thunderbolt will knock you out. Use the pressure to your advantage," 

She stood there for ten minutes watching the battle, not once did they get hit from the powerful thunderbolt. "Now let's add to the mix, Pikachu use electro ball," a solid ball of electricity was sent flying at Spearrow, unfortunately  the little bird Pokémon was hit and was taken out of the fray, Ash quickly ran over to it and gave it a super potion, he was healed instantly. 

"Okay great work everyone. We're getting stronger everyday," Ash fist bump, his Pokémon cheered. That was when Verity decided to make her presence known "Ash, what time did you get up?" She asked.

"Four o'clock," it came out like someone ripping off a bandaid, like this was normal. The brown haired girl could only stare in awe. She got up a eight, seven at the earliest, and he got up at four. He never stopped to amaze, returned his Pokémon. Pikachu jumped from the ground to his shoulder, the boy scratched his neck, causing the mouse to coo with pleasure.

"So where are you going?" She asked, interested in coming along with the raven haired boy.

"I'm going to Vermillion City," he grabbed his bag, which was resting in the ground  during the intense training, he put it on his back, it looked heavy, but he carried it like it had nothing more then a lunch box. Ash then lead the way, the forest on route 6 was thick with flora, the walked for half an hour before the hit a decent clearing.

Ash's amber eyes widened, upon seeing a certain Pokémon. It had a stick like body, two big green leaves coming out of the sticks, it had a bell-shaped head with a round pink lips and white beady eyes. It was a female Bellsprout, he must have her, she would be a vital teammate with the moves it could learn. Ash grabbed a pokéball, throwing it into the air "Spearrow come on out."

In a instant Bellsprout got ready for battle, she fired purple acid at the Pokémon, it hit and lowered Spearrow's special defense and he took damage. "Use assurance," the tiny bird charged and hit the flower Pokémon with its wings, she took a decent amount of damage. 

The next move was unexpected, the Bellsprout jumped in the air and fired purple powder, it was poison powder. "Get out of there Spearrow," but it was too late, the tiny bird was affected by the poison and fell to the ground, slowly taking damage. The flower Pokémon fell down, using the momentum she charged her leaves and readied the move knock off. 

The move hit a second later, and the gust of air almost took Ash's hat off, he ad to block the wind from hurting his eyes. When he saw next was amazing, his Spearrow -no it was no longer a small bird, it was massive, having brown feathers, and a red comb, it sheirked, the sound was deafening. 

It now knows drill run, "Fearrow, let's finish this. Use drill peck," the move that the now massive beak Pokémon learnt this morning came into use. His beak became white and a gust of wind took over it, and charged, spinning in circles, the Bellsprout stood no chance.

One the move hit, Ash made grab for a pokéball, thenred an dwhore ball left his hand and was spinning around towards the flower Pokémon. Bellsprout flashed with a red light, and she was sucked into the ball. It wobbled three times and it sparked, the Bellsprout was caught, and it was his, she would be an important member of his team.

 The raven haired boy grabbed the ball, ha d sent out the flower Pokémon, giving her a super potion. There was a now neutral respect between the trainer and the Pokémon. Ash then returned her and put the ball to his belt, and started to walk through the forest, waving Verity to follow, who was still trying to process what just happened.

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