hit the fan....

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sky just stared...

'oh look its the little wolf bitch. your lucky im sparing your boyfriend becayse hes cute. yet I still hate you.'

my heart dropped to my front paws as memories creeped out of their dark hole im my mind.


hey im meylissa! you must be the new chick. mind if I show you around?

this girl about my age walked up to me, perfect black hair, perfect outfit, I guess you can call her a plastic.


'meylissa! leave the little skank alone! come sit with us!' these 3 girls called from the cafeteria table.

'sorry maybe some other time.'

meylissa was very nice, till my past caught up to me. she was dancing on a cliff near me,(theroretically ill explain it) and she fell. hard and fast. she hit the bottom and darkness crept into her soul, poison ing her from the inside out with full hatred for me.  she befreinded a witch named malthaziod, and she gained more dark powers than anyone can ever imagine.

'hey chrys, you know how much your mommy screamedwhen I tore her soul fron her body? "oh chry! help me! hellp me!'' hahahaha stupid bitch burns in hell now.'

my stomache plummeted Into lava. I felt pure rage form from my tail, slowly making its firey way up to my back paws, past my ribs, and seep into my heart. I felt it, I controlled it, and I commanded it. I felt it go up to my fangs, as the hate filled them and they grew to the length of pencils and the width of a sleek daggar. tough as diamonds and faith,  sharp as steel swords from thw finest craftsman, and as durable as titanium.

I felt the rage boil and turn as I let it loose into a giant roar that shook the windows. eyes like obsidian, meylissas face flashed into a childish smile.  'theres the girl I know.'

before I could think, I leaped at her jaws expanded, claws out, yet she had vanished. I landed on my feet and whirld around, feeling the tags and rings shift. she was standing by the door, arm extended and a dark purple aura that reeked of evil surrounding her.  I saw then, abover in a cloud, was ty.

she giggled and whispered I win.

she dropped my tags from her other hand, and vanished.

...sorry for not updating! my phone keeps 'vanishing' but I promise I wont go a week withought updates!

make the world a giant pb and j jellians!

PBP out!

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