a chase

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after all the guys left, and the door was shut, ty rested his head on my shoulder and let go of my wrist. he wrapped his now free hqnd around my waist. (qs are a, s because my phone likes to be a weirdo) I put my head ib my hands.

'you ok?'

I herd.

'fine, just tired. hey can I borrow a speaker? I want to take a shower if thats ok. oh and some clothes if thats alright too.'

'closets there, speakers on the desk, and towels are in the bathroom.' he replied

'kk thx. just dont peak on me or you will have lines down your face k?'

he raised his hands in defense. 

'would never think of it. '

I got up and walked to tys closet. it was similar to mine. I grabbed black basketball shorts and a minecraft shirt. I went into the bathroom and locked the door.

the water was like heavan on my bare skin.  I turned it off. paramore only exception was playing so I sang along

(too lazy for lyrics look them up on your own.((btw its a bluetooth speaker so anywhere I go in thw howse itll play. plus the speqker is super lound and yea.)

I was all dry and dressed when not good enough for truth in clechè came on and ty pounded on the door.

' can you change the song please?'

o opened the door.

'why?' I asked.

'because I dont really like it.....

'why not?'

'because...' then he blushed and I grinned. *pop*

I restarted the song and set it on loop. ty tried to grab my phone but my cat reflexes doged him. he stepped into the bathroom. we danced around eachother untill I got to the door. I turned the volume up all the way so the entire house could hear it.

' not funny crys! (your names crystal but you hate it)'

he swiped at my phone and I jumed back onto the bed. all the guys ran in screaminh to turn it down


the all ran wt the bed and  I jumed over them running down the hall. tey all followed me, deadlox in the leqd. I jumed on the railing and slid down the stairs. before they could follow me, I hid behind a statue. I didnt notice sky standing right next to me

achoo. I sneezed.

'bless yew' he said.

I screamed and blew my cover. all the guys turned around and ran at me.

my awesome ninja skills dodged all their tackles and I took off down the hall.  I flung open a door and ran inside. it was their recording studio.

I ran into the sound proof room, locking the door behind me. they all glared at me through the glass window of the studio.

I lauged and waggld the phone. 


deadlox opened the door. he jingled keys by my face. but before all the guys could pour in he slammed the door in theor face and locked it again.

' caught you kitty'

'youll never catch me copper!' I ran all arpund the room until he faked me out and pinned me to the wall. I could hear all the angry protests from the guys. he grabbed my phone and stopped the music. they left. I was still against the wall, my wrists above my head. his body against mine. his lips inches from my face. I blushed and glared at him.

' you dont scare me kitty.'( <him then me you know how a convo works right?)

' why not?'


'because why?'

'because I know you could never hurt me.'

'I could if you were beeing a douchebag.'

'says the person that has a background of me sleepsnuggling them.'


he got close to my face, occasionally glancing at my lips.

'you know, that was a bad thing you did kitty, you nedd to be taught a lesson.'

he said pressing against me.

my blush on my cheeks spread to the rest of my face.

'and after that little.....stunt you pulled last night, you must be a 'he leaned in next to my ear and whispered'pervy kitty' he said. making his lips brush my earlobe.

my heart started pounding as he moved his face back to where it was originally. 

then he leaned in and pressed his soft sweet lips agaonst mine. I was shocked at first, but then I shifted my head to deepen the kiss. his tounge slowly glided its way across my bottom lip asking to get in. I slowly opened up, but I nipped the tip of his tounge before he stuck it in my mouth. he pressed his body harder against mine. he explored everything. every nook, cranny, even the scars on the inside of my cheeks and the outside of my tounge. when he touched his tounge to mine, I shied away. I had never been kissed like this before. but I got the hang of it.

he pulled away slowly, chuckling

'never knew cats were good kissers'

'never kissed your cats goodnight before?'

he blushed. (thats right he blushed)

'wow.' I said.

he removed himself from me.

'meet me in my room kitty.' he winked at me and walked out the door, whistling to the song that had annoyed him half to death a few minuets ago.

I slid down the wall and sat there.

(okkkk goodnight everybody. I hope you get a kick outta this chaper, I tried my best at the kiss part, but ive never been kissed before so I went off of other peoples books BYEBYE!!!!! (please leqve a comment.......no leave a comment please.......LEAVE A COMMENT DIRTY MINDERS;))

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