Chapter 1 - Aleksander

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Aleksander's POV

Aleksander's POV

The sound of the drums beating, people raving, and sweaty bodies colliding were the only thing Aleksander knew. Well, that's what he convinced himself. Tonight was not about princely duties. He needed to relax.

Standing at the balcony of the Royal Circuit club, Aleksander looked down and surveyed the crowd with his cold eyes. The turn out was better than usual tonight, he mused. There would be many people to choose from, and to fawn over him.

Running a hand through his black locks, he removed his Armani jacket and breathed in the scent of sweat, perfume and just a hint of sex that wafted from the crowd and reached his senses, even three floors up. The crowd below let out a cheer as the music picked up intensity, reminding the prince that he should join them. As much as he would've liked to stay hidden in the empty lounge, he needed to enjoy this night. With new resolve, he downed his drink and made his way out of the reserved area for the Royal family, heading for the main floor

As he descended down the stairs, Aleksander inadvertently caught the attention of many tipsy partiers who began to clamor around him. After all, everyone wanted to see royalty. Especially Aleksander, the recluse royalty. But he had no intention of being the main attraction tonight. That was saved for sober Aleksander, who could charm his way through the swarms. He quickly made a left before the crowd could envelop him and found a door slightly ajar.

He enjoyed the Royal Circuit for this reason. Reserved royalty seating and many nooks to duck behind. It was his best chance at privacy beyond the castle. Even then, solitude was a privilege he rarely received.

He squeezed in and lightly shut it behind him. Sighing, he recalled the lengths he would go to avoid a sudden onslaught of people. This was not the first, or anywhere near the last time he would hide in small spaces to keep his anonymity. People treated him like an animal at the zoo; staring, watching, waiting for him to crack. He was in no mood to entertain or indulge himself in anything other than...

What did he even want out of tonight?

The young royal waited patiently in the dark room for the crowd to move on. He took slow, steady breaths so as to not alert anyone of his whereabouts. Regardless of his caution, however, Aleksander still felt as if someone could see him. No, he thought. Someone was watching him.

He quickly scanned the room, feeling his muscles to tense up and fighter instincts kick in, as if he was in real danger. When he found no one, not even the slightest sign of movement, he forced himself to relax.

Paranoid, he reprimanded himself. The long days under the watchful eyes of his father were taking a great toll on him. Turning towards the door, he turned the cold knob and slowly pulled it open.

Just as he turned to leave, he picked up a whisper of a giggle. The smallest hint of a laugh. The airiness of the sound was accompanied by the slightest brush against his arm. It was enough to give the royal goosebumps, and he darted out of the room.

Upon reaching the main floor, he was greeted with a nod from the bartender, and lustful looks from the patrons surrounding the establishment, mostly from women, and even some from men. Their desperate gaze immediately perked him up, and he forgot all about the encounter a few moments prior.

He graced his onlookers with a sexy, rugged smirk that felt fake. He made no move to approach them, wanting to see who dared come to him first. It was a game, a challenge to him, much like everything else in his life.

After only a few seconds of waiting, a beautiful woman, wearing a close-to-nothing red dress came near him, ready to make her claim. She wore more layers of makeup then he had on his sixteenth birthday cake, but he wasn't being too picky. After discerning that she would be worth his time, he wordlessly grabbed her small hand in his, and turned toward the dance floor, his patience running thin already. He didn't feel nervous here, being so accustomed to this setting. It was his only escape from the castle, his life.

Finally managing to squeeze their way to the middle of the overly crowded area, he felt her turn to face him, and saw her mouth move, probably asking him for his number, or to pay a visit to a secluded room with her. With the music pumping loudly from the club he could barely hear his own thoughts, so he ignored her, and flipped her around, motioning her to start dancing.

She immediately complied and began to sway her hips against his, creating delicious friction, energizing him, and exciting other parts. But just as soon as it began, it ended, and she was ripped away from him. Shaking his head out of his lust-file state, he looked for the source of the cock-block, only to be met with the raging hazel eyes of his bodyguard, Charles.

Knowing he had deliberately ditched him to attend the club, he gave him an unabashed smirk, and continued to dance to the music. Unfortunately, a strong arm clamped around his upper arm, almost ripping through his black suit, and dragged him away from the dance floor.

"What the hell, man?" Charles angrily seethed once they had gotten to a quieter area of the club. Charles was one of the newer guards, and was unfamiliar with Aleksander's common habit to slip away.

"Worst. Timing. Ever." Aleksander complained, without guilt. He had pretended to be Charles's friend, and then slipped away once he let his guard down. A look of hurt flashed quickly through Charles' eyes, when he realized he'd been used but it was quickly obscured with anger.

"Maybe if you gave me a heads up before ditching, I would've waited some longer. You get the karma you give. " With that said, he tightened his grip on Aleksander, and pulled him out of the club, not saying another word.

On their way to the car Aleksander heard a scream so harsh, it stopped both him and Charles abruptly. The scream was soon echoed by many of the patrons in the establishment. Some were worried murmurs, others loud protests.

Although Aleksander was quite certain he already knew the cause of such chaos, he turned back towards the club to investigate. He only made it a step when he felt Charles's muscular hand tug firmly on his bicep.

Charles too knew what had happened, and that it was not safe for a royal heir to be exposed and vulnerable in the open. Quickly ushering Aleksander towards the car, Charles glanced around at some bystanders suspiciously, determining who, if any, were a threat to the crown.

Once they reached the black, sleek, car waiting outside for both men, Charles headed to the front to drive, while Aleks sat in the back, not wanting to be subject to Charles's side glares for the rest of the ride. He gazed solemnly out the tinted windows at the club, and suddenly realized he never learned that woman's name. Luckily, she didn't mean anything and was likely just going to be a one night stand. Closing his eyes, he felt the car pull out of the parking lot and towards awaiting doom, his home.

Aleksander knew that the thief had struck again. The night club catered towards the wealthy, as many royals and such frequented it. It would only make sense that it would be a target of such a criminal. He was even surprised that the club hadn't been targeted earlier.

His thoughts led him back to the dark room where he hid. Had he seen the thief?

He quickly dismissed that train of thought. No way, he believed. It was absolutely nothing. He repeated that to himself as he gently closed his eyes.

While his mind rejected the idea, his body burned from where he felt the mysterious brush of a hand, and laughter in his ears.


Hey guys! My name is Kaitlyn and I am a new author here at Wattpad! Please comment and tell me how you like this first chapter, and if I should continue the story, thanks!

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