Chapter 6: Meeting a Runaway

Start from the beginning

"Oh a..." he put down the sandwich "It's Sam"

"Just Sam? No last name."

"Oh it's a... Win- smith... Sam Smith... you?"

"Rose, no last name"

"Oh... okay" he took a few more bits of his sandwich.

"So running away or to?"


"Your a runaway, so earthier your running from something or going somewhere"

"I'm not running" he said defensively . I rolled my eyes.

"Well Sam I can spot a lie a mile away, and so far I've spotted two, Your last name, and what you just said, so to or from?"

He look to be in thought for a second.
"From" He admitted "its my dad... he's just so... I just couldn't take it anymore, so I..."

"Ran away?"

"Ya.." he then looked up at me. "What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Your a runaway too. To or from?"

"Well I'm not really a runaway... I just got no where to go... no one to see... and I'm not running from anything I'm just wondering..."

"No family?"

"No their gone."

"Oh I'm sorry."

I chucked a little "don't be, not your fault"

He looked down "I lost my mom too" he confessed.

"Oh... ya know even if your mad at your dad you can't just run away with no where to go." I told him. He din't even have enough money to by water, no way he could last a day.

"But you are." He responded.

"Well I got money. And I don't need to eat or sleep that much so... do you have like other family? Or close family friend?"

He thought for a minute"Bobby!" He exclaimed. A smile stretch his face. "He like an uncle to me."

"Okay where does he live?"

"South Dakota, Sioux Falls."

"Well what are we waiting for!" I hopped of the bench.


"Well after seeing that there is no way that you
Can make it on your own. I have decided to accompany you. Besides I got no where to be so..."

He sighed. "Okay... But I have to worn you he is sorta paranoid."

  After asking around we learned that the next bus stop was about a mile out of town, me and Sam talked as we walked. Him telling me about his older brother how awesome he is, yet does not mention a name. I tell him all about my travels over the last few months.

"I can't believe you were on your own for so long."

"Well like I said I'm used to it."

"Ya but don't you have any one?" I could tell he regret it as soon as he said it.

"It's okay... I guess God is sorta my friend. In a senses. But my only friend I had I had to leave him."


"Well he needed to stay and I couldn't stay there, so ya I'm on my own."

We made it to the bus station. After purchasing the tickets and boarding the bus. We dint speak for awhile. Board out of my mind I spoke

"So sense we are travel buddies now, mind telling me your last name"

"It's Smith"

"I thought we went over this already?"

He sighed and for a long moment he seemed to try and decided what to do."

"Okay..." he said "my last name is Winchester...
I'm Sam Winchester."

Of course.

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