"Your lucky we're majorly late or you would be dead," Kisoo said. With a final kick in the gut they walked out, leaving me to writhe on the floor in pain.

I quickly got up and grabbed my books, tears swarming down my face. I ran into the hallway and grabbed my bag out of my locker, I put the items I was holding in it and ran out of the school.

I ran down the sidewalk, my vision starting to clear up as I forced the tears to stop in public.

When I finally reached my house I ran up to my room-tripping up the steps, I ran to my room and slammed my door, locking it I threw my backpack on the ground and jumped onto my bed.

Letting all the tears out I cried and screamed into my pillow, a huge part of me wanting to be unborn.

This happens so much it should not affect me but it does, it started since the second month f school where Jisoo bravely came out to the whole school. Me being the twin took the hit, I was constantly being bullied verbally because of her.

Never once did I tell her what the cause of it was; I just silently suffered.

A few months in it turned physical and I was being choked, death threatened, and hurt.

The flashbacks of it started going through my head which made me cry harder.

"I'm done." I sat up in bed, I walked opened up my night stand and grabbed out the one thing I hoped to never use, a knife.

I shakily pulled up my sleeve, the clear and unharmed skin staring back at me. I inched the knife closer and slid it on top of the skin, closing my eyes I pushed harder, then slid it across my wrist. Then repeated five more times.

When I opened my eyes I looked at my wrist, the stinging hit me but looking at it I felt visible relief. Then I realized what I did. I fell back into the bed and put my head in the pillow. My wrists blood drying into the pillow.

I grabbed my phone and logged into it quickly, I went into my DM's and tapped on Yoongi's profile.

Jeon_Cena: I Want to kill myself. This time I'm serious. I can't take it anymore I wanna die.

Jeon_Cena: I cant take it. I wanna die, get shot please just let me die!

Taebeach_95: Jungkook calm down, whatever is going on is gonna be alright.

Jeon_Cena: shit! I'm sorry this was not meant for you tae. I'm sorry.

Taebeach_95: Well now it is, so calm down and take deep breaths. Don't do anything you will regret to yourself. It's gonna be OK.

Jeon_Cena: no it's not gonna be ok! Nothing is ever Ok! I should have killed myself a long time ago.

Taebeach_95: Don't say that kook. Everything is going to be ok. Just breath. Your not gonna kill yourself, your gonna be fine. You need to stay alive for your friends and family.

Jeon_Cena: They wont care. I'm ugly, useless, unloved and a burden.

Taebeach_95: first off, you are NOT ugly, not one bit, so shush. And you are loved Jungkook, I know you are, and if not by your parents then I care for you. And your not a burden.

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