#1 (Edited)

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Kim's P.O.V.

I felt a sharp sting on my right cheek as I fell to the ground in tears. My hands came in contact with the floor but the impact was too strong my elbows caved and my head hit the ground. My ears were ringing but I still managed to hear my father's infuriated yells.

"You're a worthless piece of crap! You don't deserve the life you have!"

My father yelled at me much like every day for as long as I could remember. My mother kicked me in the stomach causing the air to be forced out of my body.

"You ungrateful bitch!"

I had already started to cry. I would have run away and gotten out of there a long time ago. I had been contemplating the idea for some time but had never actually brought myself to do it.

I couldn't find it within myself to leave my family, no matter how badly they had treated me, but that was before I heard my father's next words.

"I regret the day we ever adopted you! It should have never happened! You have done nothing but complicate our lives and take our money!"

What?! I was adopted? That was when I noticed it. I looked nothing like the people standing before me.

They had blue eyes while mine were brown. They were blonde but mine was brown.

These people weren't really my parents; they were strangers. I had to get out of there. As soon as I possibly could.

There is no way I was going stay with these people. I refused to keep allowing them to hit me again.

After both my "mother" and "father" finished beating me, I was sent to my room. When I went to the bathroom, I didn't recognize the person staring back at me. My left eye was swollen shut from my "father's" beating yesterday. My bottom lip was busted and I had a red hand-shaped mark on my cheek.

My nose was all bloody but from what I could see, it wasn't broken, thank God. I took a shower to cleanse myself of the blood that had come from my nose and my busted lip. I stood under the shower and watched the ground as the water that went down the drain changed from a deep red to a pink and then finally it became clear again. I felt better when I stepped out.

I grabbed a duffel bag and packed a couple changes of clothes. I packed three pairs of pants and five shirts, underwear and bras.

I was 17 and could take care of myself, I just needed to find a way to get out of the house before either of these people realized what I was doing. Luckily my room was on the first floor, so leaving through the window was easy. My "father" would always pass out drunk in the living room so leaving through the front door would have been very hard.

Getting to the bus station was the hard part.

I grabbed the cash I had in my desk drawers that I had saved from my job at the pizza parlor.

I'd been working there for at least four years now.

The money that I had managed to save up was around $3,000. I put the money under some clothes in the duffle bag and zipped it up. I walked straight to my window and opened it as quietly as I could. Once I was out I tried to close it but it got stuck so I just left it like that. One I was out, I began to run. I didn't care where I went as long as I was out of that house.

I wanted to get away from those strangers that weren't my parents. I had at least one day before they noticed I was gone. They were always either drunk or high from whatever they could get their hand on that week. It would take them a couple days to notice whenever they decided to sober up and try to hit me again.

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