Some of The Stupidest Urban Legends (In My Opinion)

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 NOTE: Don't take any of this offensively. I'm not trying to hate on anyone and their beliefs or slam them for these myths. This in my opinion are really stupid. I'm not saying it as a fact


Well I am back with some stupid Urban Legends I have found, mostly about celebrities and their genders. They're classified as 'urban legends' but I think of them more as gossip and rumors that usually occur on famous people. Whether it's haters or your usual Internet trolls. 

I don't have any stories of my own, but here are the ones that I have found. 

Several years ago, a colleague who was married to a doctor told me that when her husband was in medical school, one of the professors brought up Jamie Lee Curtis as an example of someone who was born with an unusual chromosome structure (some variation of XXY).

The story goes that she had (at birth) both female and male sexual characteristics. I was unconvinced by this tale, but my colleague (not one to exaggerate) insisted that it was common knowledge in the medical community. Have you heard this one? 

Now personally, I've never heard about Jamie Lee Curtis being an actual man, but really? It is an Urban Legend? I just think that's really rude and can hurt the actress's  image. Well, she's already doing Lactivia commercials so... 

How many of you heard about Lady Gaga being a Hermaphrodite? I think most of us know about that. I don't want to know if it is true and have no intentions of finding out. 

Do you remember the story from the late '70s / early '80s about the Life cereal kid named Mikey? How he would eat anything? Well, I remember hearing on the playground at the time that Little Mikey ate a whole bag of Pop Rocks candy (y'know, the kind of little candies shaped like Wonka's Nerds now that crackled on your tongue and "popped" in your mouth?) and slammed a can of Coke. Supposedly, Mikey's stomach exploded from the combination of the "fatal" candy and soda mix and he died.

Needless to say, most of my friends were scared to eat the stuff ever again... but some of the "braver" kids tried it. The only thing that exploded on them were the contents of their stomachs all over the place (i.e., they puked). 

So I don't think most of you know about Mikey, the kid on those life commercials. Trust me, I didn't either. I may have been born twenty years late with my impeccable taste in music, and by that I mean White Snake, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin etc. 

All I know is that, I did pop rocks and soda and I didn't die, because if I did, you guys wouldn't know me. Me and a friend did this back when we were in 8th grade, she brought pop rocks and we each had Coke, it just made them pop more and hurt my mouth. 

Rumors have long circulated that Ernie and Bert are a gay couple as seen on Sesame Street.[1] Sesame Workshopdisavows these rumors and points out that Ernie and Bert are puppets, not humans; the Workshop's official position, therefore, is that Muppet characters Ernie and Bert are simply good friends. Advocates of this position note that Ernie and Bert's bedroom contains two single beds rather than one larger bed.

Okay, they are PUPPETS . I put that in caps and bold just to prove my point. I mean I'm not against Gays, I have a few gay friends, bisexuals, lesbians. I love them to death but I mean. THEY ARE NOT GAY. 

Even the Sesame Street workers say they aren't. 

"They are not gay, they are not straight, they are puppets,' says Sesame Workshop President and CEO Gary Knell. 'They don't exist below the waist.'"  

 Bert and Ernie are best friends. They were created to teach preschoolers that people can be good friends with those who are very different from themselves. Even though they are identified as male characters and possess many human traits and characteristics... they remain puppets, and do not have a sexual orientation.  - Sesame Workshop statement, August 11, 2011But if you want to believe they are, then you can. I mean I support, Gay pride and Gay rights and I do believe that gays should be able to get married Legally. I didn't put that up to start fights, I'm just letting you know.

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