Enter Yasaka Hime. Youkai Leader of Foxes.

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His only option was his father, maybe he could scream out and his father could be here in an instant to save him.

"Unseal the seal the Sandaime Hokage of Konoha used to trap my mother's soul in her body, if that is what you meant to say." to his surprise, Yasaka shook her head and gave him a smile "Of course, even if I want to do that, I cannot...for now at least."

"What do you mean?"

"Any forcibility action to pull a Bijuu out of the Jinchuriki will..."

"...kill the Jinchuriki, I know" Naruto nodded his head.

"Yes, it will kill you if I forcefully pull my mother out of your body." Yasaka said "Naruto, you are the son of Yondaime Hokage of Konoha, doing something like that literally mean a declaration of war between Makai and Elemental Nations. I can risk the chance of exposing my world to yours, even if it is for my mother the Queen of Makai. Shinobi is very powerful beings, starting a war with Elemental Nations..." the vixen shook her head "even if we can come out with the win...pains, sufferings, lost will be made not just for you human, but for us Youkai as well."

"Then why did you come here?" Naruto asked with his eyes and tone softened. This woman in front of him, she was more than just a princess of a world of demons...

"I come here so that I can study the seal as closely as possible, so I will figure it out a way to get my mother out of you without killing you Naruto." Yasaka smiled at him again "I did a lot of research in human's Fuinjustu, but the seal the Sandaime Hokage used...it is too complicate even for my knowledge. I spent thirteen years trying to figure it out the Jutsu he used, but I never be able to do it, not even close so Naruto..." she put both of her hands together in front of her and bowed her head low, much to his surprise "Please, let me stay here so that I can study the seal directly. Makai needs its Queen...I need my mother back."

"Hey hey Yasaka, please don't bow your head like that" Naruto jumped to the floor and put his hand on the golden haired woman's shoulder, smiling softly at her "Of course, you can stay here and study the seal." he smiled at her "Just make sure no one will see you, alright?"

"I will, Naruto." Yasaka looked at him and smiled warmly "Thank you."

Who could have thought Kurahime's daughter was such a humble and polite woman.

For some reason, the golden vixen inside him was quiet for the whole time.

Line Break

Naruto Namikaze was skipping the Academy since he was not intrested in learning any thing from there. Since the he realised that there are only 4 months left for the upcoming Chuunin Exam. He was doing training in training ground. He was not concerned about studies but rather about his body condition.

He is weak. He is no longer a chakra monster but a youkai monster. He now possess two attributes in his command which were Chakra and Youkai Energy. While he had full grasp of Chakra, He cannot activate it because the Chakra and Youkai Energy are poisonous to each other.

If he commits a little mistake he will die. Not only this but his other half was weaker in body and ninjutsu learning he also lacks physical stamina. While learning chakra his other half ended up spreading inefficient balance of Youkai energy in his body, due to this he had suffered from improper growth.

Physically Naruto Namikaze's body was the same as his and even without Kurama's chakra this time, the amount of chakra inside of him was still as huge as before including Youkai Energy. But compare to his original, the stamina and endurance was nowhere near close. Naruto spent days of running away from the Anbu and Chunin who caught him while he was trying to pull some pranks, but this body...this body was untrained, not even close.

He spent all days at the training ground, doing only his basic genin level exercise, Chakra control and Shadow Clone and returned to his house to have dinner with father and sister before sneaking out through the window again and didn't return till sun rise. He barely slept but he didn't need to. He was doing everything he could to push his body to the limit.

He doubted that he would be around Kakashi's level at the end of this week.

His physical strength, however, was a different story.He physically become strong to manageable level but he can no longer create shadow clone army because it may end distortion of Youkai Energy in his body leading him to health related problems. He was cursing Sandaime Hokage for making his other half life worse, because he sealed the Youkai Fox Deity in his body.

"Naruto, please rest." Yasaka called out loudly from the sideline. She had been watching Naruto this whole time and was quite surprise to see a child could push himself this far. "You're pushing yourself way too far." This was after all the first time she was here to watch him train. Yasaka returned to her home at Makai for two days to gather her belongings as well as her research about Naruto's seal and only unofficially moved into Naruto's house this morning.

She was now resided in the room next to his and for some reason Minami and his father never came, or even care to look at that room again. From what he heard in the bedtime story for children, Kitsune Youkai was the master in deception, tricks and illusions so maybe Yasaka used some of her tricks to avoid his family's attention.

"Sorry, can't do that Yasaka" Naruto shook his head and crossed his fingers in a very familiar handseal "I need to get stronger as fast as possible. I may not change the tragedy of my friends fate but with my knowledge and skills, I might be able to turn it in different direction."

Yasaka jumped in shock when she saw at least thirty Naruto appeared on the training field, her mouth completely dropped to the ground in shock. She spent years of researching on Shinobi's powers, while paying more attention to Fuinjutsu Yasaka allowed herself to gain some more knowledge from learning about various kinds of Ninjutsu. She knew everything about Kage Bushin and its benefits, as well as its downsides and yet Naruto was able to summon thirty of them after training for hours and didn't look any less tired.

The clones then parted away after receiving orders from the original. Naruto then approached Yasaka and sat down in front of her.

"I think you should start with the seal now, Yasaka." Naruto said and was about to remove his shirt when suddenly Yasaka shot her hand out to stop him, wrapping her hand around his wrist "What's wrong?"

"What I am thinking anyway?" Yasaka chuckled softly, more to herself than to Naruto "You desire power, aren't you?"

"In a way, yes." Naruto nodded his head "but I want it not for myself, but for my friends."

"And what about my mother? Surely she will have some words in this..."

She said I'm wasting my time." Naruto said blankly making Yasaka giggle "She said there is no way for me to get as strong as my father in a week, I will get myself kill before I know it and she will have to step in and use her chakra to heal me, just so that she wouldn't have to experience death for the first time." and as expected, Kurahime who was making herself comfortable on Kurama's head huffed and turned her head away.

"Figure my mother would say something like that." Kurahime's daughter giggled "but, how about I lend you some help? To repay your kindness of allowing me to study the seal directly?"

"W-what?" Naruto widened his eyes in surprise "Yasaka, you don't need to..."

"Shh, I don't need to, I want to..." The golden haired woman said "You know, you accepted to go through all the troubles so that I can reunite with my mother again, that is something I'm very grateful about. You even allow me to stay inside your house; helping you getting stronger as fast as possible will be the least thing I can do to repay your kindness" Yasaka said with his hand between hers.

"W-wow...I didn't know what to say..." Naruto chuckled while scratching the back of his head "You know, in my opinion you're a lot more mature and wiser than your mother."

To be continued.......

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