His American accent was so good even better than mine. He couldn't have possibly been the Aiden from last night who had a charming British accent and this one had a fluent American accent.

Without saying a word I started to walk, leading the way. For a while he was walking behind me but due to the big steps that he took, he started walking besides me.
He must have been thinking that I walk like a sloth.

I thought of starting a conversation.

I turned my head towards him and looked up to speak, but then I saw his dark-brown hair that looked so smooth and his enchanting hazel eyes, which sealed my lips to say anything.

When he turned his attention on me, I instantly dropped my gaze, looked down and didn't say a word the whole way.

When we had finally reached the Dean's office, I stopped there and gestured my right hand towards the wooden door to him.

"Thanks..." Said Aiden cheerfully walking towards the door.

"You're welcome." I spoke in a soft voice, still not meeting his gaze.

I turned back and started walking a few steps when-

"See you later, Tesla Every No-'Mon'-included~" he said in a playful tone.

I didn't reply, because I already knew how horrible the reaction on my face looked like; eyes bulging out, eyebrows in a caterpillar-like motion, twitchings on the cheeks and other corners of my face and don't even get me started on the red-gushing color of my face and neck.

The moment he said that I walked a few steps normally till he went inside the office. After that-

I ran, no,.. I jumped.....maybe both....


I had invented a new ninja technique which included both running and jumping simultaneously. I named this technique 'rajum' (#so_Indian) or 'rujum'... (Still working on it)

There was still 15mins left for class and for some reason Amber was nowhere to be found.

I called her 3 times, she was not picking up.

5 mins later, I got a call, it was Amber...

"Yo, where you at?"

I hear her panting like was running

"I'm coming.....*heaving breathing* I missed the bus"

"Did you forget that we were supposed to meet early?" I frowned.

"Not exactly ~...kinda....I got caught up in something"

"Well you better hurry, class is about to start in 10mins"

"I'll be there within 2mins Mamacita" She hangs up.

Mamacita?! What's up with her?

Surprisingly, she did reach within 2mins...

I clapped for her as she entered through the door, I was impressed by her timing. The sweat on her face was like someone splashed her with water.

"8mins left to spare!...."she said with a sense of pride and showing off her new wrist watch.

I rolled my eyes at her and started walking besides her.

She told me that she was late because she was practicing on how to be a Latina the whole night, and because of that she woke up late. (Amber was half Latina)

The reason was that her grandma was coming and her grandma was....well, like a Latina gangsta (metaphorically)
And Amber was not even close or possesed any behavioral traits to be one.

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