Chapter 16

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Nike looked at Kai as she couldn't believe what she heard.

"..What..?" Nike asked, not believing it.

"Are you a vampire Princess Nike?" Kai asked, glaring at her. Nike looked confused.

"N-No. I- Why is Abi dying?" Nike stammered. Kai sighed as he looked at her in a pained face.

"I don't care if you're a vampire anymore." Kai said, voice breaking. "Just... Just go back and be by Abi's side... "

***Later that day***

Liam led Kai and Nike to the library as he looked around the room.

"Somewhere in this room, there is a book. The book talks about a human dying in human eyes. It should mean something else in vampire eyes. Just looked for a book that has an eye book cover." Liam said. Kai eyed Liam, suspicious of him. Liam eyed him from the corner of his eye. "If you don't trust me, just let your brother be like that forever." Kai gritted his teeth as he clenched his fists. Kai jogged to the nearest bookshelf and began to looked at each book's cover.

After about an hour, Kai sighed, sitting on the ground.

"Don't you have something to find the stupid book?" Kai cried, exhausted. "Is been over an hour. Times ticking. He probably doesnt have long so do you know what it is?"

Liam shook his head. "Even if I did know, I'd make you still do this. I'm not helping a man that knows my wife well-"

"I'm not your wife! "
"She's not your wife! " Kai and Nike screamed at the same time. Nike sighed as she slouched. Looking by her hand, she saw an old dusty book. Curious, she picked it up and blew the dust off the cover.
Coughing, she looked at it. It was the book they were looking for!

"I found it!" Nike cried as she ran to them. Liam took it as he flipped through each page. Finally he came to a stop.

"Let's see..." he began. "It reads 'If a Human were to ever fall asleep and not wake up, it is called Cryton Sleep for vampires. Cryton Sleep will make the human sleep for over 200 years. The human's life is not endangered but the fact is, it means that they are going to start to become vampires-"

"What?!" Kai cried. "Isn't there a cure?"

Liam sighed. "CONTINUING!" Liam breathed. "'Is there a cure? Yes there is. The cure to Cryton Sleep is that the first or second vampire, whoever,  must give them some of their blood. If the victim does not get the blood, they will remain in the Cryton Sleep forever and won't age in their sleep-"

"What!?" Kai screamed. He grabbed Nike's wrist. "We're going home now!" He demanded as he began to drag Nike. They suddenly stopped as Liam held Nike tight by the waist.

"Where do you think your going with my girl? "Liam asked, glaring.

"To save my brother. You have no use of her here."

"Sure I do, I love her-"

"Don't I get a say in this?" Nike asked, eyes showing irritation.

"Fine. Princess Nike. Let me put it this way. Are you going to abandon your country for blood-suckers and tarnish your family line or are you going to abandon blood-suckers and go to our country without the royal bloodline that YOUR father, the late king, worked hard for?" Kai asked.

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