Chapter 3

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Nike looked passed Abi's body as he pulled her deeper into his arms. Nike felt her heart burst as it kept beating loudly. Abi's face buried itself into Nike's soft bouncy hair as his hand patted her head, giving her a warm love embrace.

"Sorry.." Abi said, pulling away. Nike pulled Abi down as she hugged him back and released him quickly. Abi looked surprised.

"... Right back at you..." Nike said as she looked away, flush red. Abi laughed as he left.

The next day arrived soon and Abi knocked on Nike's door as soon as it hit 8 in the morning.

"Princess Nike.. It's time to wake up. Breakfast is ready for you." Abi said. Silence. "Princess Nike?" He called. He knocked once more. Silence once again. "Princess Nike. I'm coming in." He said as he twisted the door open. He threw the door open as his breath closed off. The wind blew into the room as the curtains flew back to its original spot. Abi's eyes widened as he saw Nike in her sleeping gown, in the arms of a man with light white skin. His long curly black hair fell against his back as his green eyes were outlined with red. He was the same vampire as the day before. Abi ran towards the man as he shouted, "Damn vampire!" The man jumped out the window as Abi leaned out the window, alerting others as he ran out of Nike's room.

He ran down the corridor and down the flights of stairs as he ran down another corridor and out the castle. He ran down the long opening as he spotted the vampire with Nike who was unconscious in his arms. The vampire was walking as Abi's men were clashing against him, only to have their strikes be useless. Abi ran behind the vampire as the vampire turned, showing Nike as he stopped his sword.

"Don't want to hit your precious princess now right?" The vampire said as he kicked Abi in the stomach. Abi groaned as he flew across the garden. Abi hit trees as he smacked against a tall tree. The tree shook as he got to his knees, hacking white liquid. He wiped his mouth as he tottered his way towards the vampire. 

"..Let.. Go.. Of Pr..Princess.. Nike!" He screamed as he swung his sword at the vampire. The vampire dodging, the sword sliced Nike's leg as Abi flew back, shocked. The vampire clicked his tongue a couple times as he lifted Nike's leg to his mouth. "Stop!" Abi shrieked as he lunged at the vampire. The vampire licked Nike's leg as her blood trailed along his tongue. He licked his lips as he smiled, revealing 2 rows of white teeth and fangs. He opened his mouth as he bit into her calf. Nike groaned a bit as she felt pain go up her leg. Abi watched in fear for Nike as he swung at the vampire. The vampire released her calf from his mouth as Abi watched in terror of her wound healing. "What.. What did you do!?" Abi cried. 

"Nothing much. Just healed the woman.. You harmed. The woman you love." The vampire clicked his tongue as he shook his head in disappointment. "Well.. I've had it enough with you.. Good bye." He kicked Abi in the stomach as Abi flew against the trees, breaking them as he fell to the floor unconcious. "You are not worth the time human." He growled as his eyes turned red. He jumped and flew into the air as he disappeared in the woods.

***Time Skip***

Nike awoke to the sounds of chirping as she found herself surrounded by flowers on a bed. Nike jolted upwards as she looked around the cabin room. It had the sweet smell of flowers and had the sunlight beaming deeply around her. She looked at her clothing as she saw what she was wearing. It was a white dress that revealed her shoulders. It's frabric was soft and warm like a coat. It looked as though it was a swam embracing her in a warm hug.

 It looked as though it was a swam embracing her in a warm hug

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Nike climbed out of the bed as she clutched the dress. She walked out as the sounds of bird chirping filled the air.

"You're awake?" A voice said behind her. She turned around towards the woods behind her towards the right. 

"Liam?" She said. Liam nodded. "..Where.. am I?" she asked. Liam shrugged.

"Dunno. Saw you unconcious in the woods." Liam said as he tied up his long curly black hair. Nike eyed his green eyes, rimmed with red.

"..Did you change me..?" She asked. Liam said nothing. "Liam." She said. "Where am I? Why am I here?" Liam said nothing. "LIAM!" She grabbed Liam's collar as he looked at her. Nike watched as his eyes began to turn red. Nike looked surprised as it went back to green.

"Could you stop questioning me?" He said. "I found you. End of story."

"But.. Where are we? I want to know exactly where I am." Liam sighed.

"In my cottage.." Liam said. "In the vampire kingdom." Nike's heart stopped.


"My name is Liam Renigards. Prince Liam Renigards of the vampire kingdom, Princess Nike." He bowed as his eyes pierced through Nike's scared shaking eyes.

That MidnightOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant