Chapter 6

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Liam closed his eyes as he felt his lips press against something soft and warm. He opened his eyes to see Nike's eyes widened bit as Liam felt this unsettling feeling come in his chest. Liam's hands rose unconsciously as he held Nike's head as he pushed himself closer, lips pressing tightly together as he tightened his grip around Nike's waist.

Nike's head swirled as she felt herself falling towards Liam's tempting kiss. Liam's kiss was cold yet comforting. It felt... dangerous... Like a siren cursing a sailor to his death. She then thought of Abi. His soft lips brushing against hers as it kept her safe. She thought of Abi as she wanted Abi to save her.

Liam's gaze scorched all over Nike's body as he pulled her closer to him, Nike now on his lap. Nike pulled away as she panted, breathing heavily. Liam grabbed her chin as he jerked her closer to him, pulling her lips into another embrace.

"No.. Stop..." Nike begged. She had tears weld in her eyes. This was breaking her heart. "...Abi.." Liam froze as Nike had a tear drop down her face. Liam tore away from Nike as he felt a pain in his chest as it went away quickly.

"I'll be back later in the afternoon." He said, not facing her. "What would you want for entertainment later?" He heart the chains rattling behind him.

"Entertainment?" She asked. "I want to go home." She said as Liam's gaze shifted everywhere, chest hurting more as he punched his fist on the wall.

"You aren't going home Nike. I'll be back later." He said as he slammed the door shut. He leaned against the door as he sighed, clutching his chest. "..Again.. Who the hell is Abi..?"  

***In the castle***

Abi marched down the hall as his students watched him. They eyed his hair as the saw the scar on the temple down to his cheek. His hair combed to the right side as they saw the left side gelled back.

 His hair combed to the right side as they saw the left side gelled back

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(What the hair looks like. Can't describe it. Hard but this is what his hair looks like, not what he looks like)

"Taku." Abi ordered, tone serious.

"Yes s-sir." Taku said, staring at the scar.

"Gather the knights. We are going to scout the border of the vampire and human kingdoms-"

"But sir-"

"Don't hold me back than you already have." Abi said, glaring down at Taku as Taku shook. Taku's eyes darted as Abi said, "Did you hear what I had just said?" Abi asked. Taku nodded as he ran off, finding the other knights. Just then, Abi's body squatted a bit as Abi turned. Abi turned and saw Kai. Besides him, a bit behind was his wife, Marie. Her blonde hair curled and tied back into a pony tail. Her soft blue eyes that remained unshaken. Her long pretty eyelashes and small build that held a fair-skinned lady.

"Abi. Don't go using your authority to be rude-" Abi tore Kai off him.

"You don't understand. Nike is our Queen. She is important for this kingdom to stand. She- she-"

"You love her." Abi froze at Kai's words. Abi looked at Kai, face in pain. Kai patted Abi's back as he ruffled through Abi's hair.

***Cottage in the Afternoon***

Nike threw the pebbles she found from the window as she sighed, bored. It was 3 in the morning and she did nothing but have a dream that she was going to die there. It has been repeat over and over while she was there. Eat. Sleep. Yawn. Sit. Do nothing. Sleep. Eat. Sit. Argue. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.

Nike laid on the ground as she felt her body feeling so warm.

"Don't do that." A voice said. Nike looked up and saw Liam. She rolled her eyes.

"I'm bored. What else do you want me to do?" Nike groaned as she sat up, hair disheveled.

"You want a comb?" Liam asked, holding up a bag.

"What's in it?" Nike asked.

"Comb. Ribbons. New clothing." Liam shrugged. Nike sighed as she laid on the floor again.

"Thanks.. But I'm bored Liam... I want to go home-"

"NO!" Liam shouted as Nike flinched under his loud voice. Liam realized what he did and froze. 

"Why. Why can't I go home Liam?" Nike asked, getting up, eyes meeting Liam's.

"Because. I just don't want you to." Nike looked at him as she didn't understand what Liam was talking about. "You are my prisoner. Who knows what'll happen. You'll tell about this spot to your kingdom and I can't come here when I want time to myself. And I can't relax since I will have to be on the run from your people and have to watch over the kingdom when your people might attack my people at any time. Even if we are vampires-" Liam's expression looked cold. "We do have feelings." Liam turned to the door. "Next time.." He said. "... Maybe I'll take you somewhere." He flew off as Nike screamed.

"I WANT TO GO HOME!" She screamed as she pounded the floor. "LET ME GO HOME! I WANT TO GO HOME! HOME! HOME! HOME!" She screamed as she weld tears in her eyes, body curled towards the floor.

***In the castle***

Abi sat still at the dining table as he quietly stared at his food. Steak and veggies. Soup and salad. Turkey and sauces. All sorts.

"Abi. You're not going to eat?" Marie asked, settling her fork down. Abi looked up at her.

"..No.." Abi said. Abi felt Marie's eyes trace over him. Abi looked down.

"Why not?" Kai asked. Abi's fists clenched.

"Haven't you ever wondered if Princess Nike is eating properly? It's been over a week since she's been kidnapped... We need to find her..." Abi gritted. Kai's fists hit the table as everybody stopped eating.

"Someone who wants to save the princess can't be a damn weak-ass bitch who whines about what her wellbeing is. If you want to save her, worry about yourself. If you're so damn weak like that.. At this rate, you won't be able to save her. You'll be killing Princess Nike and yourself." Kai stood up. He turned and left as Marie left, giving Abi a flirty look. Abi's slammed his fist on the table as everybody flinched, losing their appetite to eat. Abi stood up as his face looked pained and angry as the door flung open. Everybody turned as they saw Taku.

"Abi! We think we found where she is!" Taku cried as Abi felt his heart and soul leap.

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