Bonus Chapter

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A/N: So in the last chapter, I said I wouldn't be updating until that chapter reaches 10-15 votes. That my friends, is still on. This isn't really a chapter. It's just a bonus, you know, kind of a spur of the moment. But this is connected to SB (Starbucks, kidding sorry im kinda hungry while typing this) though so yea. This is dedicated to my bae, Kate bco its her birthday today and I wanted to surprise her so hiya Kate! *waves. Surprise!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! AND HAPPY MONTHSARY TO YOU AND RILEY *SMIRKS. Greet her if you want too on Twitter @LUKEOBVIOUSLY :----) hope you guys like it and don't forget to VOTE for "Coloring Book" 

Loveyouall x

- L.A.


Ring. Ring. Ring.

Goddamnit Khaela, answer the damn phone.


"MIKHAELA ANNE JONES WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN???! WHAT THE FUCK!!! ITS MY BIRTHDAY I WAS EXPECTING YOU TO CALL ME OR SEND ME SMOKE SIGNALS, A LETTER OR SOMETHING. UGH!!!!" I ranted, I am almost close to tears. Almost. She never forgets my birthday. She always surprises me with something. Last year she even gave me a puppy but now? ughhh! Kroo kroo. I huffed. This is Shane's fault.

"Uhm.... Hi?" a masculine voice said from the other line. I bit back my surprise. What the fuck?

"Hello?" I said hesitantly. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY BESTFRIEND'S PHONE?" I said.

"Uhh. I'm pretty sure I haven't met you yet so uhm, don't be so keen on calling me your bestfriend. Hmp." the mystery voice from the other line said teasingly. I grunted. This is not funny.  "Anyway this is my phone and idk who your bestfriend is so maybe you have the wrong number yea?"

I glanced at my phone.... The last 2 digits were different from Khae's number. Oh... "Oh im so sorry." I said sheepishly.

The voice from the other line chuckled. "No biggy. I'm Riley by the way. Riley Thomas."

"Why are you telling me your name? You don't even know me." I asked curiously. "I could be a murderer or ex convict you know."

He chuckled again. "I doubt that. With your sweet voice and all. Well maybe you could kick some butt with all the feisty-ness"

"Feisty ness? That's not even a word." I snorted but chuckled.

"Oh well. It is now. I just created it so live with it." he said childishly. I chuckled again.

"I'm Kate by the way."

"Hello Kate. Happy happy birthday!!!" he said and then he cleared his throat, "Lemme sing to ya. eehem. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY OYEAAA HAPPY BIRTHDAY" he sang in a disturbing, out of pitch voice.

I burst out laughing. "That was horrible."

"I try. But seriously, I'll sing to ya. Wait. Eehem..." I could hear a thump and a few seconds of something rustling. Then I heard a guitar strum.... What the. He really is serious about singing? can he even sing? "You've got holes in your jeans

And a few in your heart

You don't know what it means to me

To watch you fall apart~"

Oh my. His voice is amazing. So much better than his happy birthday song earlier. Ohmy.....

"If we're falling apart, I will fight for your heart. I could be your shield, fight on the field. Baby when life gets colder, I'll be your soldier. Nananana~" he said finishing his song.

"Awww. You're too sweet. And that was a beautiful song. Whats the title?" I gushed, still awestruck.

"Oh I wrote that." he said nonchalantly.

"No way. That is awesome." I said still gushing.

He chuckled. "Thank ya. I hope you liked it."

"I loved it you poop."

"Poop? Well that's a sweet endearment." he said sarcastically.

"I know right." I said grinning cheekily like an idiot.

"Do you have snapchat?" Ri asked from out of the blue.

"Yep. Why?"

"I'm curious here. Send me a selfie on snapchat. Add me uppp rileymcdonut."

"Why are you a donut?" I laughed.

"I like donuts." he said defensively.

"I don't wanna send you a selfie. Maybe you'll use it for a Photoshop chuchu."

"What kind of chuchu?" he asked.

"Uhm. You know the one when your face gets plastered on a sexy body or pornish body and idk."

He chuckled. "You think too much. Just send me one picture and I'll send you one too."

"Ohhhhkay." I opened my Snapchat, added Riley and took a selfie with me rolling my eyes and posing a piece sign. Then I put a caption 'hi' (genius, right?) and diding! Sent!

"Done. Did ya receive it?" I asked.

He was silent for a moment. "Uhm yea and that was really scary."


He chuckled. "Send me a normal one please."

"Choosy donut." I grumbled, rolled my eyes and took a 'normal' one and send it to him. "Done!!! Now it's your turn. Send me a selfie." I demanded.

"What? so you could lust over my handsome face?" he teased.

I snorted. "Whatever donut. and i'm waitingggg." I said in a sing song voice.

"I am not sending you any selfies."

"But why? That's unfair!!!" I whined like a little kid.

"Just because." he said cheekily.

"Ugh hate you."

After persuading him for a good 10 minutes of sending me his face, I finally gave up and we just talked.. About anything and everything. I learned that he works at an ice cream shop. That his favorite ice cream flavor is rocky road and we had a good 10 minutes of arguing because for me, cookies and cream is the bomb. And yea, his greatest fear is oblivion and I'm like, Augustus Waters, is that you.

Knock, knock. "Kate we have to go." My mom said. I look at the time, 12nn. Wow it's later than I thought. When was it 12? I swear it was only 9AM earlier.

"Uhh ri, I have to go. We're gonna have this birthday lunch and I have to go get ready." but deep down inside I just wanted to hole up in  my room and talk to this donut.

"Awwww." he said glumly and I chuckled, imagining him pouting.

"Haha. talk to you soon. Maybe."

"Not maybe. It's surebe."

"Okay what?"


"Weirdo." I said cheekily.

"I guess I have to let you go now...." he said dramatically.

"Soooo dramatic. Okay I really need to go. Bye." I was about to hang up when

"Waitttt! Kate?"

"Yea?" my breath hitched a bit.

A little ding sounded from my phone. I checked my Snapchat. Riley McDonut sent you an image. Tap to view. Curiously, I tapped it and Riley's face welcomed my view. Blackish, brown hair with brown eyes staring at me, grinning cheekily. Oh and yea, he was wearing an ice cream hat. Which makes the picture more adorable but the caption though, made someone enter an entire zoo in my stomach. simple yet powerful....

"You're beautiful."'

Summer Bucketlistजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें