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Chapter One

"Khaela, wake upppp!! wake up!! wake up!!! We're hereeee!" an annoying voice interrupted my perfect dream. Damn it I was about to kiss Zac Efron my loves.

I groaned and said "Go away, Anna!!"

She giggled annoyingly. "Oh my god!! You sound like Elsa from Frozen. eehem. Do you wanna build a snowmaaaan?"

I smacked her with the pillow I was cuddling. "It's summer for Elsa's sake. If you build a snowman, it'll just melt"

"Elsa's sake?!" she burst out laughing. "Owell let's just build a sandman instead"

I mentally facepalmed myself. Why don't I have a normal sister? I smacked her again with the pillow. She grinned devilishly at me and started jumping up and down making the whole car seat vibrate and rumble.

"Stop that please!! It's giving me a headache!" I whined trying to push her off the car seat.

"No. Get up first. Mom said to wake you up"

I reluctantly got up and pulled my annoying sister out of the car. No, Anna's not 6 years old. She's 12. Yes you've read it right. She's 12 but as you can see, she acts like 6 so that's that.

"Wow" she gasped at the sight of the beach house that was in front of us.

It was big. A two storey, white house with a porch wrapped around it. The porch has a swing, a small table and two chairs. Plus, two balconies were sticking out on the front, facing the ocean.

"It's beautiful" she gushed.

"Yea, like me." I flipped my hair, she rolled her eyes.

"C'mon let's go help them unpack and let's put on flip flops before the sand reaches our cute toes" I said.

Anna giggled. "You are so weird"


Ding dong

"Sweetie, could you ge-"

"I'll get it, I'll get it." I said, dropping the broom I was holding and opened the front door.

A petite woman who looks like she's in her mid 30s was standing on our doorway. She was very gorgeous with hazel eyes and short, fluffy black hair.

"Hey. How may I help you?" I offered her a small smile.

"Oh you're so pretty, darling!!" she gushed.

I grinned. "Thank you and I love your dress." which was a yellow sundress that kinda reminds me of sunset.

"Oh! This old thang? Anyway, I'm Julia Thirwall. I live just 50 steps starting from your house so that makes me the closest neighbor you guys have"

"Well nice to meet you Ms. Thirwall. I'm Mikhaela Jones. Would you like to come in?"

"No thank you. I just came by to give you this" she handed me a medium sized box. "Just a little home welcoming gift and it's actually Mrs. Thirwall." she winked.

"Okay Mrs. Thirwall. Thank you for this... errr."

She chuckled. "They're cupcakes dear. Anyway, I would like to invite you and your family at our house for dinner. Would you like to come?"

"Hmm. That depends, Mrs. Thirwall. Do you have any cute sons?" I smirked.

She laughed. "With my beauty? Ofcourse darling" she joked and we both laughed. I like her already even if I just met her like seconds ago. She's like an older version of me.

"Kidding. I'll ask my mom but I'm pretty sure she'll say yes"

She clapped her hands. "How delightful! Remember, 50 steps!! Just straight ahead and you won't miss it. It's blue. Come around 7"

"Okay see ya"

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