Little Einstein

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Chapter 17

"Khaela!" Anna shouted in a sing song voice as she barged into my room.

"Yes?" I huffed, a little annoyed because she didn't knock.

"There's a big package for you downstairs, c'mon!!!" she said giddily.

Curious, I followed her out of my bedroom and into the living room where a bix box was place in the middle of the room.

I walked over it and inspected it. Huh. Our address and my name were written on the box but no return address was written. Weird.

"Open it!" Anna demanded. Sheesh it's like the package is for her.

I rolled my eyes but obliged. I removed the tape from the box and opened it carefully. I half expect that Shane will come out of the box and dance or something but I only saw a big, brown teddy bear peeking at me.

"Ohmygosh, it's so cute!" Anna said as I lifted the bear from the box.

This is so heavy. I thought. I grunted and suddenly lost my balance making me topple on the floor, with the bear on top of me.

"Oof." I said.

Anna laughed wickedly. "You've been attacked by a bear." she said, clearly amused.

I glared at her and attempted, but failed to stand up.

"Help." I whispered.

Anna laughed again and pushed the bear off me. She held out her hand and helped me up.

"Phew. Thanks." I said gratefully. I inspected the box and saw a paper taped inside the corner. I picked it up and opened it.

When we're not together, just imagine this bear as me and hug it tight.

I love you x

I smiled at the note, knowing immediately where the bear came from.

The doorbell rang and Ana left me alone to answer the door. She came back a few seconds later with a visitor. Shane.

Speaking of the devil.

"Hey." he said, smiling.

"Hey right back!" I shot him a smile and walked over to him. "Thanks for the bear!" I beamed.

His smile wavered a little. "What bear?"

Aww. He's acting like he doesn't know what I'm saying.

I smirked. "Don't be embarrassed. It's okay. I love it, especially the note!" I gushed and handed him the note.

He frowned. "This isn't my handwriting, Khaels."

I nudged his shoulder. "Oh c'mon, don't be humble and modest."

"I'm serious, Khaels. That is noty handwriting." he repeated, annoyance clear in his voice.


"Sorry. I just thought...."

"Well, you thought wrong." he said coldly and turned his back on me.

"What is your problem?" I hissed.


I grabbed his shoulders and made him face me. "Doesn't seem like nothing to me. Tell me what's wrong.' I demanded.

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