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Chapter 3

The boardwalk was amazing. It has a big circle in the middle where during at night, people set up twinkling lights, music and dance. (Thank you Google) The circle was surrounded with a bazzar, different stands that sells cheap, affordable sunglasses, bracelets, hats, you know souvenirs and beach stuff. I stopped at one stand that was selling anklets and bracelets.

"Hey there Missy! Would you like to buy one? They're handmade and all of the money we earn will be donated to the orphanage down town." the old woman who was sitting behind the stand waved me over.

"Aww that's so sweet and sure, I'll buy one." I said, smiling at her and skimming through the racks. "Hmmm. Can't choose. you pick"

The old lady smiled at me and handed me a bracelet. A blue starfish was in the middle which was held together by two white strings. "There ya go. A pretty bracelet for a pretty young missy. Made that myself. A blue starfish is unique"

"I love it! I'll take it" I said, slipping the bracelet on.

"Good. And since you're our first customer you get this." she said, handing me a small paper bag.

I peeked inside. A seahorse bracelet. "I can't take this"


I sighed. "Atleast let me pay for it?"


I handed her a one hundred dollar bill, "Owell keep the change!!!" I said and hurried off.

"Wait!!" the old lady tried to run after me but I could see her laughing and shaking her head "Thank ya Missy!"


I entered the 'Coffeine', the cafe Lily the hairdresser suggested to me. A little bell dinged as I entered. Besides me, only few customers were inside. A couple who was staring at each other with googly eyes (gag), a group of teenagers which consists of 3 guys and one girl and lastly, a man reading a newspaper.

"One mocha frappe and cinnamon roll please" I said to the girl behind the counter.

"Sure thing. anything else you wanna add?" she said as she punched in my order.

"Uhm two boxes of chocolate crinkles to go." Anna was a sucker for crinkles and I promised to bring her something soooo... The other box is for the Thirwalls.

"Right away Miss. Take a seat and we'll just serve you your order"

I plopped down on one of the white bean bags, put my bag in the coffee table and logged into Twitter.

I took a quick selfie, praying that the group of teenagers won't see me being vain and typed "Here @ a coffee shop called Coffeine. If you didn't get the pun then we can't be friends *pouts. Kidding! Anw, lovin my new hair!!"' Tweet sent and then my phone blasted with notifs. I checked my messages.

2 new mssgs.

I clicked the first one.

Fr: Dylan

Hey babe! Call me when you get there!

I rolled my eyes. Ha. Fat chance. I thought as I clicked the second one.

Fr: Kate

Hey bitch! How's sunny Cali?

I clicked reply

Oh you know, SUNNY. :P

I imagined her rolling her eyes as she reads my reply. Kate is my bestfriend or as we like to call it, best bitches

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