Coloring Book

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Chapter 7

Tap. Tap. Tap.

I got up sleepily and checked my clock. 5:30AM. I groaned and slumped back my bed again. Oh sweet water bed, I think I wanna marry you.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Ugh. What was that annoying sound. Maybe if I ignore it, it'll go away.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

I covered my ears with my pillow.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Lalala. Can't hear you.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

"UGH!!" I said, getting up again. I scanned the room to see where the annoying sound was coming from. I saw a figure shadowing on my window. I grabbed my pillow, ready to attack and opened my window. I hopped over the balcony and curiously looked arou--


I screamed. A voice laughed. I turned around to see Shane clutching his stomach, laughing.

"Howdy." he said, still laughing.

I glared at him. "What the fuck Shane!" I shrieked and smacked him with the pillow I was holding (yes I love smacking people with pillows. It's my main talent.)

"I hate you. You scared me. Again. Ugh." Smack, smack, smack!

"Ow! Stop! I'm sorry." he grabbed the pillow and pulled it away from me.

I crossed my arms. "What are you doing in my balcony?"

He smiled dorkily. "We're doing number 23 today! Bike raceeeee!" he squealed like a little kid.

I yawned. "It's too early and how do you remember the items on my list?"

"I photocopied it." he shrugged.

"K. I'm going back to bed." I turned around but Shane grabbed my arm and whirled me around to face him.

"Too chicken to take up my challenge?" he teased. I yawned again and yanked my hand away from his grip.

"Yea. Whatever you say." I said and turned around again. I'm getting dizzy turning around and around.

But Shane whirled me around again. Ugh. I'm really getting dizzy. "Well, that didn't work." he mumbled. "Uhh. I'll treat you breakfast! I know a great diner!" Diner huh. Bucketlist number 7. Eat at a vintage diner. I've never been to a diner and I've always wanted to go to one and Shane knows it. Ugh. This little blackmailer.

"Fine." I said, giving in. "Just give me a minute to change."

He grabbed my wrist. Oh yay, we're holding wrists. Rolls eyes. "Don't change. You look perfect."

I snorted. My hair was tied into a messy bun. I was wearing gray pajamas with polka dots and a hello kitty tank top. Oh and don't forget my panda slippers. Yea, I look absolutely stunning. *insert sarcasm here* But before I could tell any of these to Shane, he was already climbing down my balcony.

"Romeo, is that you?" I asked teasingly.

"Yes thy Juliet. Now do me the honor of thou jumping. I promise I shall catch you in a heartbeat." he responded, playing along. I rolled my eyes and watch him safely land. He stretched out his arms to me and grinned.

"I am not jumping." I huffed.

"Oh come on! You jump, I jump. Remember?"

I bit back a chuckle. "This is not Titanic."

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