45. Bittersweet Homecoming

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Early mornings have been my worst enemy during my pregnancy but throughout this small trip to Texas I couldn't help but get up with the sun. Zay had an adorable little balcony that was perfect to sit on with your coffee and watch the sunrise. The day is warm, I think it was supposed to get to almost eighty degrees and there isn't a cloud in sight. I let out a hum of contentment as I bring my decaf to my lips and take a sip. "I've found you out here every morning since you got here" Zay chuckles, opening his sliding glass door and stepping out onto his porch.

I look up at him and smile. He was only wearing a pair of boxers thus his body was almost on full display and admittedly Vanessa was a lucky woman. "Morning."

"Are you daydreaming or planning your escape?" he chuckles, taking a seat beside me.

"Haha" I laugh dryly, placing my coffee on the table beside me. "I'm just thinking Zay. I mean, Josh and I just bought a house and yet" I sigh, placing my hand over my belly.

"And yet you wanna move here?"

I look over at him and nod. "How totally horrible is that?"

He chuckles. "Honey nugget it's not selfish. You bought a house because you were doing what you thought was expected when that test came back positive."

"We were already moving Zay."

"Yes but you were moving with the idea that that house would be your family home. You got in a serious relationship and you took the next step. At the time you thought that it was what you wanted but now it's not. Just sell the house and if you have trouble selling it, sublease it until you get a buyer."

"But Josh just got a job and the baby-."

"Okay, okay" he nods. "Then get through the terrible twos with the kid in New York. If in two years the thought is still in the forefront of your mind then move. That way you know that it's something you really want and not just something you're doing because you're afraid that you're going to lose me and Riley."

I stare at him in awe. How did he just come up with a solution so easily? "I'll talk to Josh" I reply with a soft smile. "Thanks for the advice Zay."

"Hey" he shrugs. "What are friends for?"


"So, what are you and Lucas planning on doing with all the spare rooms?" I ask Riley while I'm helping organize their bookshelf in the living room.

"One is going to be an office so that I have a space to grade papers in peace and Lucas can run an emergency line for the clinic" she explains. "Then the other three" she shrugs as a smile takes over her face, "those are just gonna be kid's rooms" she explains making my eyes widen.

"Three bedrooms for kids? How many are you planning on having?" I chuckle.

"I don't know" she replies nonchalantly. "At least three but probably more. I want a huge family and Lucas does too. In fact, we're not wasting any time, as soon as we're married we're gonna start trying" she admits.

"Hm" I hum, "if only you had a ring" I tease.

"Shut it" she insists playfully as Lucas saunters into the room with a box in hands.

"Riley this box is literally filled with throw pillows" he says with a slight tinge of confusion in his voice. I swore men would never understand women's obsession with throw pillows.

"Oh I was looking for that box" she exclaims, running over to him and taking it from his hands. "Thanks babe" she adds, leaning up to give him a quick peck.

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