22. No Restraint

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"What are you doing?" Josh asks, walking into the kitchen, finding me leaning against the counter with a calendar lying open in front of me, a black Sharpie clenched between my teeth as I gaze down at the dates in front of me.

"Planning" I reply, taking the marker from my mouth and looking up at him. It was Saturday morning, we had somehow made it through the entire week without hearing a peep from Derek, I was still nervous about everything blowing up in our faces but it was the weekend so I decided to focus on other things.

Josh and I had signed the lease for the house last night, meaning we would move in at the end of the month. "What are you planning?"

I sigh, the dates swimming in my mind trying to make some sense of them. "Zay wants me to fly down to Texas at the end of the month."

"Just you?" he questions, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist, "you think you can last an entire weekend without me?" he whispers, leaving a trail of kisses down my neck making tingles run through my entire body.

"Um" I giggle, "I think you underestimate my restraint" I smirk, turning to face him.

He eyes me wearily, a smirk playing on his lips as his hands come to rest on either side of me, trapping me against the counter. "I do, do I?" he smirks, his eyes smoldering back into mine making me weak in the knees.

"Mhm" I reply, trying to remain smug but failing epically since in reality the boy did affect me hugely.

"Oh yea?" he quips before he ducks down and places his lips back onto my neck, he bites down on my sensitive skin and I take my bottom lip between my teeth to stifle my moan. He moves closer to me, his body flush against mine as his lips move and hover over mine. His eyes lock on mine and a smirk plays on his lips. "Dare you not to kiss me."

I stare up at him, watching his smirk grow wider as I bite harder onto my lip. "Do you really think you affect me that much?" I squeak out, my voice completely betraying me.

"I really, really do" he laughs, bringing his lips to hover over mine, "let me take you back to bed" he begs making my skin heat up, my cheeks flushing red, and the usual tingling feeling starting at the apex of my thighs.

"What if I just call Zay and ask him if you can go?"

"I still want to take you back to bed" he chuckles making me smirk.

"So I have the same effect on you then huh Mr. Matthews?"

"Miss Hunter" he smirks, taking my hand in his, as he pulls me closer against him. I gasp feeling his arousal pressing against me. "I think it's obvious the effect you have on me" he whispers huskily. "So are you gonna let me take you back to our bedroom or not?"

I look between his eyes, a laugh bubbling out of me as I nod, letting him lead me back to our bedroom.


When I wake up Josh is still beside me but he's in the middle of watching Sports Center, the highlights of a baseball game playing on the screen. "Don't you ever get sick of watching this?" I mumble, catching my boyfriend's attention.

"Sports? Not really" he shrugs, "you have a good nap?" he asks as he mutes the television, looking down at me curiously.

"Mhm" I nod, pushing back my hair. "What time is it?"

"Three I think" he says, reaching over for his cell phone to check the exact time. "3:09" he reads back to me, "you wanna head out for an early dinner?"

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