8. Treat You Better

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I wake up the next morning and smell bacon. The smell makes me smile as I sit up and see Josh standing in the kitchen cooking. "Did I wake you?" he asks worriedly as I shake my head.

"No" I assure him. "Whatcha making?" I ask curiously as I sit up and pull the blankets around myself.

"Just some bacon and eggs" he shrugs as he walks a plate around the counter and over to me, holding it out for me to take. "Here."

"For me?" I ask confused as I look up from the plate into his eyes making him laugh.

"Um yea" he replies as I take the plate. "Why is that so weird?" he asks as I shake my head, placing my plate onto my lap.

"Derek never made me breakfast" I mumble as I take a bite of my bacon.

"Well I do" he smiles as he heads back to the kitchen as a blush rises on my cheeks as I continue to eat my breakfast. "Is it okay?" he asks as he comes to sit beside me.

"Mhm" I smile, "do you have anything to drink?" I ask as I stand up, but he catches my wrist as I take a step making me fall back onto his lap. "Hey" I laugh as I wrap my arms around his neck. "Is there something in your fridge you don't want me to find?"

"Oh yea totally" he laughs as he pushes a strand of hair behind my ear. "I just like waiting on you" he admits with a smile.

"Thank you" I reply as I push back on his chest as I stand up, "but I got it" I assure him as I head into the kitchen and open the fridge. I pull out the orange juice and pour myself a glass before sitting back beside him. "See" I smirk as I take a sip.

"Smart ass" he replies as he takes a bite of his eggs. "You sleep okay?" he asks as I nod.

"Better than I have in a while actually. It's actually the first time in a long time that I haven't felt the need to rush out the door after waking up."

"Has Morgan texted yet?" he asks as I grab my phone to check.

"Nope" I sigh as I stare at the home screen. "If he's not out in a few hours I'll call Riley to come get me."

"If this weren't so damn complicated I'd just let you stay" he says as he locks his blue eyes on my own.

"I think you and I both know that's not smart" I reply bluntly as I place my plate onto the table.

"You make logic seem unnecessary" he mutters as he puts his plate down. "I think maybe I should try to transfer out of James' class."

"No. That would be ridiculous. If anything I should go."

"Switching your class could set you back, it'll just put me in a less exciting class. It's not a big deal and things would be so much easier."

"How would they be easier?" I ask bluntly as I stare back into his sparkling blue eyes.

"Because I could do this without having to worry about the repercussions" he says softly as he leans forward and this time I know he's gonna kiss me and I know I'm gonna kiss him back. My eyes flutter shut and our lips are about to touch when my phone dings pulling us out of the moment.

"I gotta get that" I mutter under my breath as my eyes pop open and I lean back and reach for my phone finding a text from Morgan.

"My place is clear" I say as I look up from my phone and back into his eyes.

"I'll take you home" he replies as he stands up and retrieves his keys. The only thought that crosses my mind as he drives me back to my place is that he was going to kiss me. I liked him. I liked him a lot and I knew that neither one of us were going to let the other give up James' class which meant at one point we were going to break and when we did we'd break all the rules.


My place is basically empty when I walk in, everything he owned is gone and I can't help but let out a sigh of relief as I place my keys on the counter and look around the room. "Everything okay?" Josh asks as he leans in the doorway making me smile. He refused to wait in the car wanting to make sure that Derek was indeed gone.

"He's gone" I assure him as I take a seat on my bed. "I'm fine Josh."

"Why don't you have a couch?" he asks, as he closes my door and glances around the room making me laugh as I follow his eyes.

"Where the hell would I put it?" I ask with a laugh as I look up into his blue eyes that were sparkling in amusement.

"Next to the shower obviously" he replies as I continue to laugh at his ridiculous comments. "You sure you're gonna be okay?" he asks suddenly serious as I catch my breath and nod.

"I'll be fine" I assure him. "I am an adult Josh" I remind him as his eyes flick to mine suddenly sparkling with something different, more serious and almost wanting.

He clears his throat as he breaks our eye contact and grabs the doorknob. "I should go" he says quickly. "Call me if you need anything" he adds as he tries to escape but I realize I still don't have his number.

"Josh I don't have your number" I remind him as he pauses and reaches around to grab his phone. He hand sit to me and wordlessly I take it from him before handing him my own and we exchange numbers. Once we're done we hand each other our phones back. "Thanks. You can go now" I add as I take a step back allowing him to open the door.

"See you tomorrow Maya" he says before slipping out of my apartment. I look down at my phone and glance at his contact name, a smile pulling at my lips as I do.

PRINCE CHARMING it reads. I roll my eyes playfully as I place my phone on the nightstand and get ready to take a shower.

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