24. No Running

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I wake up before Josh and it's a good thing because I'm sick. Again. I rush to the bathroom and close the door, throwing up just as I did the morning before. I moan in annoyance as I lean up against the counter. I knew there was no way I would be able to take a test without Josh finding it but I know I needed to take one, yet in reality I really didn't.

All the symptoms were there. I was late, I was sick, my appetite had increased a bit, and I did notice my boobs were a little sore but I thought it was just because I was PMSing.

"Maya" I hear from the other side of the door. "You alright?"

"Yep" I shout back, standing up and fixing myself up before pulling open the door. "Morning" I smile, trying to ignore the overwhelming sense of nausea I was feeling. I was already rethinking the two kids thing because if I was pregnant and I would be this sick every time I was already done.

"Morning" he smiles lightly. "You okay?" he asks worriedly, eyeing me wearily.

"Of course I'm alright" I insist, "when are the movers coming?" I ask curiously as I brush past him into our bedroom.

"Around two" he explains, "I'm kinda glad I hired them cause you really don't look too hot, baby are you sure you aren't coming down with something?"

"I'm fine" I assure him, forcing a smile.

"You sure? Baby you've been sick the past two days."

"Josh" I snap, "I said I'm fine. Drop it" I shout, growing annoyed. He steps back and puts his hands up in surrender.

"Sorry" he says, a tinge of annoyance in his voice, "I'll just not give a shit, would that be better?" he asks, leaving the bedroom.

I sigh, running my fingers through my hair. "You're gonna have to tell him anyway" my subconscious reminds me. I gnaw my bottom lip, grabbing my purse and heading to the living room. "I need some girl stuff I'll be back" I shout as I pull open the door and head out before he can protest.

The drive to the pharmacy is long and my nausea only seems to get worse, though I didn't know if that had more to do with the kid I might be carrying or the reality that I was going to get confirmation of it.

I pull into the parking lot and sprint inside, heading right to the aisle I never thought I would be stepping into. I grab three tests and head to the check-out, ignoring the judgy middle aged woman working the register. I could see her eyes looking for a ring on my finger and I could see the wheels turning in her head as she tried to figure out my age.

"Have a nice day" she says, giving me a fake smile. I roll my eyes, take my bag and head to the back of the store. I walk into the bathroom, luckily it's a single stall. I make sure to take all the tests per the directions and set the timer on my phone and wait.

The funny part is, is that it's all my fault. I told Josh we didn't need to use anything because I was on the pill. Apparently they aren't kidding when they say the pill is almost 100% preventative.

My phone dings and I sigh as I click out of the timer and open my messages.

PRINCE CHARMING: I'm worried about you! Come home or at least call me! Please!!!!

I throw my phone onto the counter, reopening the timer. I had thirty seconds left. When it dings I sigh, grabbing the first test but I'm not even a little shocked when the word pregnant appears.

I grab the second one and the little pink plus tells me the same and the third one leaves me three for three.


Teach Me ✅जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें