4. If You Can't You Still Might

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When I wake up the next morning Derek is home and is sleeping beside me. I glance over at him and sigh, he was a good boyfriend, or at least he was a few days ago. I know we need to talk but right now all I want is a shower but I know if I start the water he's gonna wake up and that's the last thing I want. I climb out of bed and tiptoe over to the closet, I reach up to the top shelf and grab my duffel bag before grabbing a change of clothes, some makeup, and my hair dryer. I throw all of it into the bag and slip into a pair of flip flops before heading out the door.

I climb into my car and head to campus, I pass a Starbucks and want to stop but I know I won't be able to finish it before I reach campus and by the time I'm done with my shower it'll be cold. I sigh as I continue to drive before finally pulling into the parking lot. I grab my stuff and head across campus to the fieldhouse. I pull open the door and my breath catches in my throat.

"You've gotta be kidding me" I mutter under my breath as I look down at my attire. My hair was oily from the fact that I had yet to shower and I wearing a racerback tank top with a sports bra and pajama pants. I looked like the definition of a mess while my eyes rested on the exact opposite.

Josh was running on the track in a par of basketball shorts and no shirt, my mouth went dry as I stared at him, his abs flexing as he ran, I fought the urge to imagine running my hands down his chest right down to the prominent v lines that disappeared into his shorts.

"Enjoying the view?" Josh shouts from a few feet away when he stops running and flicks his gaze up to meet mine as he starts walking towards me, My cheeks heat as I feel myself blush, hiking my bag up further onto my shoulder.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I smirk as he approaches me, I find myself lucky that I found the words to speak.

"Oh so you weren't staring?" he asks playfully as a smile spreads across my face.

"Of course not. You're my TA, that would be wrong" I smirk making him chuckle as he nods his head.

"I guess it would" he agrees with a smile, "so what are you doing here so early?"

"Um the uh plumbing is busted at my place" I stutter probably making it too obvious that I'm lying which is confirmed by his furrowed brow.

"Yea okay" he laughs.

"I just really want a shower" I confess as he nods, stepping back.

"Enjoy then" he smiles as he breaks back into a run allowing me to slip into the locker room. I put down my bag and place my phone inside before grabbing a towel from my locker and heading into the shower. I place it on the hook just outside the curtain and strip down before stepping behind the curtain and letting the water cascade down my body. I close my eyes as I try to ignore my racing thoughts of Josh, I couldn't feel this way about him. I had a boyfriend and he was my TA, it was so many shades of wrong yet being around him felt right.

I finally finish my shower and step out, wrapping my towel around myself and heading over my bag. I slip into a bra and underwear before pulling on a pair of light wash skinny jeans and a black blouse with a lacy back. I grab my wedges from my bag and slip them onto my feet before heading over to the mirror to do my hair. I plug in my blow dryer and dry my hair as I comb through it before putting it into a high ponytail. I swipe some makeup onto my face before finally zipping my bag back up and stepping back out into the gym. Coincidentally Josh is stepping out of the locker room at the same time. He's wearing a pair of jeans and a white button up and his hair is still dripping wet from his shower.

"Feel better?" Josh asks as we catch up with one another, falling into step beside one another.

"Much" I smile as we walk side by side. "Worst part about living in a loft apartment with someone else."

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