30: Mary Sue Is Vicious

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DEAN HAD BEEN DOING OKAY with his life. His parents were always checking on him, reminding him that they love him and that he will always be missed in Kupivoc.

His days were never boring with Denise pestering him in his dorm room almost every other day, as if afraid he would suddenly hang himself. While Shi Bai would send him strange things, such as a CD Drama of two guys going at it, which she fussed about for days.

But who was Dean to refute when even if he did, every single time, both Denise and Shi Bai never gave him peace.

He even begun calling them the 'Twin Hurricane', but he was honestly glad with their noise that kept him away from thinking about a particular devil.

In his sleep, he would see her frost-cold eyes. And when simply making tea, he could instantly imagine being back in her library. Digits reminded him of her, especially money.

So he begun using credit cards instead.

And he also avoided anything to do with the word 'tea'. 

Every night, before he went to bed, he would read some mind-bugling books to keep his mind clear off of her.

He had tried very hard to forget her for days, months and it was only a few more months to make it a year. Still, he can feel that same pain in his chest from time to time.

Will he ever be free of her?

"Dean?" A familiar baritone voice called.

Dean turned around to be met with a sweaty Denise, as if he had just gone for a run. "Sup?" He asked Denise, curious what was up this time.

Denise flashed a handsome smile, his dark brown eyes sparkled. "I just wanted to see you, s'll."

Dean frowned, turning around to walk away. 

Denise followed after him, crossing his hands over his head as he stared up at the clear sky. "You are moving up a year soon."


"Which path are you choosing?"

"You don't need to know, professor."

"Right, right. Then what do you want to eat?"

"None of your business either."

"Ahhh. So it's crab this time."

"...." Dean ignored Denise like a fly that he was.

"Got it right again. I'm so good at this."

Dean was not sure how Denise could guess his meal plan every single time. He doesn't even keep any written schedule of it anywhere. 

And he refuses to believe that telepathy is real!

"And what if it is?" Denise suddenly asked.

Dean's breath hitched. He turned to face Denise incredulously.

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