Chapter 6 - Poker

Start from the beginning


Draco turned at his fathers voice. "Yes father?"

"I forgot to mention this morning, but I'm holding a poker night tonight. I've already invited everyone, we'll start right after dinner around seven o'clock." Lucius informed him.

"Excuse me?" Draco blinked with surprise.

Luna glanced up at him a small frown creasing her forehead. She could feel his body tensing up next to her, but she was unsure as to why a poker night would cause this horrified look from him.

"Poker night, Draco.Llisten when I'm speaking will you? I've sent the relevant invitation to the Crabbe's, Goyle's and of course young Mr Zabini." Lucius watched his sons face carefully; he was extremely pleased to see a hint of fright flicker in his eyes at the thought of his friends arriving at Malfoy Manor to find his "girlfriend" there with him.

"That's fine father." Draco managed to choke out smiling weakly.

Lucius smirked back, "Bring your money, Draco I feel lucky." With that he turned and headed back into his study chuckling to himself.

"Draco?" Luna whispered, touching him lightly on the arm.

Taking her elbow he nodded towards the library. Entering the room he closed the door quietly behind him scowling. "I don't believe it! How am I going to get Crabbe, Goyle and Zabini to play along with this? He's done this on purpose." He fumed balling his hands into tight fists.

Luna perched herself on the edge of the nearest seat. "Maybe it would be best to come clean to your father, Draco. That way you won't have to deal with all your friends comments about your relationship with me." She suggested helpfully.

"No." He replied quickly. He felt dreadful that Luna would automatically think that the reason he was so worried over his friends arriving was due to her and her reputation. "I don't care what they say, they won't really say anything." He added thoughtfully, "I just can't have them blowing this whole thing before it's ever really started." He crossed the room and sat himself on the arm of her chair.

"Perhaps if you met them as soon as they turn up? I'm sure you'll think of something, Draco." She patted his knee encouragingly.

"The notebook!" He exclaimed suddenly. "Blaise and I have enchanted notebooks, they aren't really note books, more like message pads, if I write something on mine it pops up on Blaise's page. I could send him a message and he could get in touch with the others. Yes, that's what I'll do, father will never work out how I did it!" He smirked victoriously.

Luna giggled, "Sounds like a plan, Draco. Does this poker thing mean I won't see you at all tonight?"

"No, I'd like you sitting with me when I play if you don't mind? Sort of moral support." He admitted, running a hand through his hair.

Luna nodded and patted him once more. "Alright, I suppose watching poker might be interesting, I haven't done it before, and you should always try new things."

Draco wondered what she would say if he told her the new thing he would like to try would be kissing her senseless.


Luna sat sedately beside Draco at the table in the parlour, dinner had finished hours ago and the poker game was now in full swing. On the other side of her sat Crabbe Senior and opposite Draco sat Lucius.

Luna couldn't help but think that Lucius had chosen this seat for the intent purpose of staring at his son. She glanced over at Blaise Zabini who sat opposite her, he was busy shuffling through his cards and didn't notice her watching him.

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