Feelings Revelaed

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Last Time: For hours you and the head of all CreepyPasta talked. Not just about anything, more like a certain killer. It seems he wants to protect his 'proxies'. But from what exactly? As he was about to take his leave you abruptly stood up and that damned mark caused you to fall to the ground in pain. Apparently Slendy knows just what the mark is. And before you blacked out, you saw him bending down next to you.

Chapter Six: Feelings revealed

No One's POV:

It was only 9:00 in the morning when a figure stirred in a plain white bed. As she rose up, she was met with an unfamiliar face. It was a dog, at the foot of her bed. Blinking a few times, she realized she wasn't in her house anymore, as the girl started to panic she screamed. In a matter of seconds the door was kicked in and her fearful eyes met with his yet again. Almost immediately, her eyes changed from scared to anger and then they looked down. The dog at the foot of her bed cocked his head and looked at Jeff then to her. It then moved upwards to the girl and laid its head in her lap, clearly taking her side.


Nothing but unbearable silence. But then the dog raised its head after feeling something wet drop on it. Upon looking up, he saw that the girl was crying, and not just a few tears but uncontrollable sobbing. Her breathing became hitched and Jeff seemed to notice. Again, his hair covered most of his face and he just walked back out of the room. (A/N: Heh, ass...) Almost an hour passed and by this time she stopped crying and actually started petting the dog. "And what's your name puppy?" She asked it, her voice quivering a bit. The smile on the dog matched Jeff's and it made her even more sad to even see it. Barking, the dog snapped her out of her thoughts and flashed his collar. "So, your name is Smile Dog," she said, "Well it sure does fit you." As time passed she grew more uneasy being there with him, she wanted to ask him so many questions, she wanted to slap him but... hug him at the same time. Her eyes became watery again and that's when Smile Dog decided to leave her alone for a while. It was a good thing too, as soon as he left she brought her knees up to her chest and cried. The minutes turned into hours of her sobbing, and just outside her door was a guilt-stricken killer and a curious SlenderMan.

"Can't I talk to her, Slendy?" Jeff asked.

Absolutely not, I only brought her here to remove that mark and erase her memory of all of us.

"Tch, you know you hear her in there as well, she's miserable."

If you're so concerned then I'll go in there and talk to her.

He was then answered with a glare that could kill, but he shrugged it off and entered the room. It seemed she didn't hear the door opening because she was still crying.


That's when she jumped and quickly wiped her nose and eyes. She replaced the frown with a fake smile.

"Y-yes Mr. SlenderMan?" She asked.

Don't act like you're alright, we can hear you crying from outside..


Yes, me and Jeff.

She lowered her head.

"I don't see why he's out there, he doesn't care... Why am I even here!?

Calm down. You are here for many reasons, like one is that mark on your chest. And I assure you, sadly he does care but I forbid him to come close to you.

That's when she snapped.


SlenderMan was taken aback, he never expected her to shout at him like this.


Outside of her door, not only was SlenderMan shocked, but Jeff as well. He couldn't take this feeling anymore, he stormed into the room and yelled back.

"Do you honestly think I like hurting you!"

Jeffery! Go back outside

"It sure does fucking seem like it!" She yelled back.

"Well I don't okay! Why can't you get it through your thick skull that I fucking like you!"

Her eyes widened, along with his realizing what he just said. SlenderMan sighed and his hand made contact with his forehead. She continued to stare at Jeff, dumbfounded, but a light blush covered her face.


He didn't nod or anything, he just walked out of there. On SlenderMan's way out he stopped and turned toward the girl.

(Y/n)... This is what I didn't want to happen.

"What do you mean?"

If Jeff falls in love with a human, Zalgo will surely find out and kill you.


He didn't say anything else, he just walked out, leaving her to her thoughts which were spinning throughout her head.

H-he said he liked me... but if I say I like him back both of us would get hurt. I would get KILLED! But... I...do like him.

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