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Wow. Couldn't be worse., Jen thought to herself.

She could not see much. She blindly walked in the dark, pushing the bed.

She took her phone out weakly and tried to enable the torch.

The torch glowed in the dull corridor.
There was nothing much except for some barred windows on the side and some tables with some tools on it.

Jen squinted and looked at the window.

It was pretty dark outside.

She quickly turned around a corner and found herself in a dark room.

The weren't any windows or doors.
A plain, old room sitting in the middle of the warehouse.

I'm losing time., Jen thought desperately.

She felt suffocated in that room so she quickly turned around and tried to make her way through the building.

The bright light of the torch started fading.

When Jen looked at her phone, she realized that her phone was dying.

There was literally 3% left.

Jen growled in frustration.

That was the moment the torch flicked off, surrounding her in complete darkness. The torch had stopped working but there was 2% left now.

Jen stood in the warehouse, one hand gripping the hospital bed and one hand holding her phone.

She felt someone's hot breath running down her neck, sending a shiver down her spine.

She turned to find no one.

Her eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness. She could make out a figure standing near the turn-around of the corridor.

Jen stepped back. Her pulse rate increased drastically.

Standing with a person who has been shot, in the middle of an abandoned warehouse with random shadows appearing at corners is not very soothing.

Jen felt her throat go dry. She licked her dry lips. She started sweating profusely.

Suddenly, she could not see the shadow in the corner anymore.

It was too late before she realized that the shadow was right behind her.

She felt something breaking against her head before unconsciousness slowly swallowed her.

Her hand brushed against Sean's while she fell on the ground.

I guess this is goodbye, Sean.

The words kept repeating in her head until she fell down, not moving.


"Come on Jen. Stay with us. Nothing has happened. You are fine."

Jen could hear the slurred voices of random people around her.

She could see a lady wearing white. A man was pushing something beside her.

Then she realized she was lying on the "something" that he was pushing.

She felt the bed she was lying on move beneath her.

Her eyes remained half open.
She could not open them any further.

Her eyes fluttered.

All that she saw before slipping into unconsciousness again were a pair of beautiful blue eyes and black hair.

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