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Jen walked through the corridor and finally reached her classroom. There were a lot whisperings going on. It was not about the shuffling of classes. It was about Megan's murder.

Mr. Herbert enthusiastically walked into the classroom. He put his books on the table and cleared his throat.
"Well, students. I hope all of you enjoyed your spring break. As you all know, you are going to be going to different classes for your subjects from today. I will call each of you one by one and give you a copy of your schedule. Abby, step forward...."

He started giving out the schedules one by one. Jen finally got hers. She looked at her schedule  and popped it  in her bag. First period- arts.

Jen walked to the arts room and her eyes turned red the moment she saw Sean. Not alone, but with Linda. He was sitting on the cornermost bench with one of his sides to the wall. On the other side sat Linda, gently stroking Sean's hair.
Jen angrily clenched at her backpack and made her way to the bench which was farthest from Sean's. The teacher hadn't come yet. She buried her face in her hands. Few tears threatened to run down. She stopped herself. She took out her book pretended to be very interested in it.

She then felt someone sitting behind her. She turned to see Sean and Linda sitting right behind her. She turned her head away in disgust. She then felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to see Linda smirking at her. "Anything wrong, Jen?", she asked.
Jen shook her head and turned back. Sean got up and sat beside Jen.
"Everything alright?", he asked.
"Why don't you go sit with your buddy Linda over there?", Jen snapped.
"Whoa! She forced me to sit with her!",he whispered.
Jen looked away and didn't say anything else.
"You. Me. The park. 4'o clock.", he whispered in her ear.
"Oh cut it out will you? I'm not coming. Suit yourself. Ask your buddy Linda to go with you. She's already putty in your hands. Why don't you both go and have a nice time together, huh? Just leave me alone.", Jen said before getting up and going to sit on another desk.

She sat on the bench near the window. Her body was inside the class but all that her mind was thinking about was her cousin's murder. She snapped out of her daze when she felt someone tap her shoulder. She turned her head and saw a boy with black hair and sky blue eyes looking at hair. His hair was parted to one side he had a piercing in one ear. He smiled and asked,"Umm... Can I sit here? There's practically no place left in the class."
"Sure....G-go ahead.", Jen said.
"Thanks!", he said and sat down.
"I'm Justin by the way", he introduced himself.
"I'm Jen.", she said, smiling.
Damn, his eyes., she thought. She quickly shook her head at the thought and turned towards her book. She noticed Sean staring at her from across the room and Linda desperately trying to grab his attention. Jen smiled inwardly and continued "reading" her book.
"So.... What is it with the people? Why are they so glum? And who is this Megan?I'm new here...I have no idea.", Justin said sheepishly.
"Oh um..... There has been a murder. Megan's murder.", Jen replied.
Justin gasped.
"I'm sorry to hear that. What happened to her?", Justin asked.
"She got killed in a warehouse. Stabbed by someone.", Jen said, tears pricking her eyes.
"Oh my God!", Justin said putting his hand to his head.
"Well...I missed out a tiny detail. She was my cousin..."
Justin let out a gasp again.
"I'm so sorry for your loss....", he said sympathetically. Jen smiled.
"I never really got to know her well....I got to know she was my cousin, recently. All I knew her as before was a classmate.", Jen shrugged.
Justin gave her a sad smile and turned to take out his books. Jen smiled sadly and continued "reading" her book.


1) SEAN O' DONELL AS Justin (picture given above)

2) JAKE ABEL AS Aaron...

Lemme know! BYE 🙋

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